Almost at goal....FINALLY!!!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby raederle » April 15th, 2005, 6:10 am

Tami, I can't add much to the awesome posts the other gals (and guy) have offered, but just wanted to add my congratulations and thanks! It is so inspiring to bear witness to your perserverence, your strength, and your victory... You've done a GREAT thing, and I hope you enjoy the heck out of being skinny-- you deserve it! :mrgreen:

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Principessa » April 15th, 2005, 6:15 am

I'm a newbie (Day 12 has dawned), but I have spent most of the last two weeks reading old posts on the forum. I always find myself paying closer attention when I come across a post from you... and I'm soooo impressed that you have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off so many times. In many ways, the self-talk that you have shared through your posts reminds me of myself, and at first it was discouraging to see you fall so many times. I was nervous that I'd end up falling prey to that same rocky path you've traveled - (quite the obstacle course!! ....and I may have some serious stumbles yet to come), but then I started to gain so much faith in this plan... because over the last year or so you have ALWAYS come back to MF... knowing that it will work for you if you let it. And you've shown some mighty impressive strength with your continued perserverance... always hoping back on the train!
I'm sooo excited for you that you're so close to goal! And the Green Goal Pants are too big!! Woohooooo!! I laughed when I read that, I was so happy for you!
Soooo, sooo happy!
Stick around Tami, long after your goal, I'll need you as a cheerleader down the line! (Like you could actually leave this MMT Forum home you've spent the last year as a part of any time soon!)
Soooo happy for you! Yay!
Go Tami, Go Tami!
Run as fast as you can to that goal.... it's soooo close now!

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Postby DonicaB » April 15th, 2005, 6:58 am

HI Mary, great post. I think I may try to go back and read some of the old posts. You have sparked my interest.

You are doing great and you are so right. We definitely need the awesome cheerleaders that are on this board.

Thank You cheerleaders!!!!! :cheerleader:

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Postby Nancy » April 15th, 2005, 9:29 am

Miss Carrie ~

You are on a roll yourself :roll:

I see you walking around, shakin' in ONEderland - ain't it great??

:whistle: Wewt woo! :whistle: Wewt woo for you, too!

:stroll: You two are too cool! :kool:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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No mans Land

Postby TamiL » April 16th, 2005, 2:22 pm

Hey guys..thanks to all for your posts!!! :-P
a few of you wrote and asked just how badly I went "off" the program when I did...because you have similar weight loss goals...and want to know how long it will take you to reach them!! well first off let me say that everyone is different....when it comes to loosing weight. I have learned that when I hit that big "30" year old mark, that my weight loss slowed down BIGTIME!! I have been off and on weight loss programs my whole life..and truly beleive that it messes up your metabolism..and your body gets to a "set point" and stays there at times!!
When I said I "fell off the wagon" on my started out at first having a few nibbles of this and that...which then turned into full fledge binges for a day or so...but I never went more than 2 days of it before my body KNEW where it was headed...and Id go back on the plan!! now I didnt do this too often...but you have to know that when your body is in is burning fat for fuel....when you are not in ketosis anymore...and you overeat..your body stores fat TOO EASILY!!
in the book "SUCCESS IN A SHAKER JAR" (I think thats the book) they explain what NO MANS LAND is....its when your not in ketosis (from cheating) and your not fully on the program either...your in a land where your body is trying to figure out what you are doing....and that is where I stayed a bit too long...I would do great for 2-3 weeks..on full fast..loose 10 pounds..then binge for a day...and gain a few pounds...and it would be a vicious my body never really stayed in Ketosis!! when I say binge..I mean just eating JUNK if it was around...or Carbs...whatever was in front of me at the time...mostly it was at work..the guys would cook and I couldnt say no...especially on the days we were out and busy all shift...I would let myself get to the point of starvation....and then just eat whatever I could get my hands on!! then the next day feel so guilty cuz I knew it was going to take my body 3-5 days to get back into the fat burning mode.....and those days would come...I would do great for weeks..then mess up again......
so my friends, that is why it took me so long to get here....a few pounds away from goal!! but all the while..I also noticed that I was getting flabbier ....probably from the yo yo I started working out...with weights and MOVING MY BODY in some form...and THAT is what made all the difference! some people dont have to work out on this program..and they can loose all thier weight the first time around!!! as I said..everyone is different....perhaps if from day ONE I didnt cheat..and have so many "DAY 1's"...I would have made it to goal in alot less time....but cant do the "what if" stuff..its here and now that matters!!!
so to all of you who think about cheating..or seeing what you can get away with...your only SLOWING your progress....your body will get stuck in NO MANS LAND...and it wont burn off that stubborn fat!!! instead it will hold on to every little fat cell and refuse to give any up!!! :x
FOOD can no longer be my comfort....putting on my sneakers and going for a nice long walk can be...putting on some music and dancing around my living room laughing at myself is comfort...anything to get thru those MOMENTS when our heads tell us "just one bite wont hurt".....that my dear shaker friends is where all the craziness begins..if you listen to the food demons we all have!!!
stay strong and faithful to those shakes.....dont stray..and you will have the sucess the first time around!! I promise!! and dont be a slave to the scale...numbers change every day, find a pair of pants or an outfit that you want to wear...and try it on every once in a while!! that is the best measurement...those clothes dont lie..or vary....only your body does!! IT WILL BE GETTING SMALLER!!!! ;)
THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ALONG THE WAY!!! :-P this forum has been one of the many reasons I didnt give up hope along the way!!


Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
150/my goal weight is 130
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Re: Almost at goal....FINALLY!!!

Postby BerkshireGrl » April 17th, 2005, 10:46 am

TamiL wrote:Well...this has been a LONG road for me...I am 5 pounds away from my weighing in at 140 pounds....


Sorry to get into this late in the game! I just have to say


That is so, so wonderful that you are almost there! Just imagine how amazing and dang fun it will be to see that magic number of 135 on your scale!

Oh, and your 140 is my Goal, so seeing you at it is VERY inspiring too!

You deserve this after all your hard work! I think it's great that some here jump on MF and stay on it straight to goal, no deviations... but I am more in tune (personally) with those like you who struggle but continue to come back to the Plan and persevere!

I certainly have had (and heh, continue to!) my own days of dieting disaster, but I am sticking this MF thing out, dang it! It is THE ONLY WAY I have found to lose weight unbelievably fast, yet not be hungry, have tons of energy, and just plain old feel healthier losing weight.... and YOU have been such a big help to me with all your fellow Massachusetts-er support!
:wave: Thank you!

:) :) :) :) :) CONGRATULATIONS Tami! :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby Guest » April 17th, 2005, 11:36 pm

Tami ~

Awesome Post! It is :x THE pits doing that ‘desert wandering stuff’ when you wander of your weight loss program - I used to do it, too - for me it became a dessert wandering detour and once I climbed aboard the Train to Thinsville, I wanted NO more diet detours.

Easier said than done, I know. :oops:

FOOD can no longer be my comfort....putting on my sneakers and going for a nice long walk can be...putting on some music and dancing around my living room laughing at myself is comfort

This week has been a :nana: rough one for me – just busy and didn’t make it to the YMCA as often as I wanted to – it is my stress-buster and so I had some rockin’ tuneage playing on our sound system here at the MakeMeThinner cottage and I found myself :whistle: hummin’ and :dance: dancin’ to the music as I was dusting and rearranging the perfume bottles on the dressing table.

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I :shock: realized what an amusing sight I must be if Terry or Unca did a walk-by and I just smiled and :yay: danced on – Because I can!!!

Tami, life is sweet, because you ARE!

We are :yes: happy for you, Tami and we want others to learn from your experience. :toast: Keep on keeping on. Enjoy those skinnier clothes!
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