I ALMOST caved!

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I ALMOST caved!

Postby Sablebaby » June 25th, 2005, 10:39 pm

Hey everyone,

This is day 5 for me and the first weekend on MF. Oh boy. I went out driving around town with my BF and was passing by all these places to eat. Darn I was wanting something, anything. We started at Denny's for him to have breakfast and I had a side salad. I did bring a bar, but didn't want it at the time. The salad was good. But I looked around the restaurant and saw what others were eating and just thought I wish I could eat that, why can't I? :x So, we eventually came home and I had my bar. Then we both took a nap. Tonight I was thinking again about food. I so wanted to get something, even just a subway. But I just couldn't do it. ALMOST, but I didn't. I ended up having a second bar as those are so satisfying to me. And here I sit with another shake before I go to bed. :pour:

I feel good that I didn't cave, but it was freakin close. It was harder than I thought on the weekend when he's around all day. It's easier during the week as he comes home from work, has dinner, hangs out, and then we go to bed. I'm so used to going out to eat all weekend long with him. He's absolutely no pressure on me, thank goodness. He always went along with me whenever I suggested as he loves to eat and loves to eat out. (He's ALWAYS 150 lbs!) :x I guess it was just fun to go out to eat junk.

I think I will weigh again in the morning and that will probably help me stay focused. Oh and you know I so wanted to exercise tonight. I had an energy boost and wanted to go for a walk. I didn't have any clothes to wear so I didn't and I know I'm not supposed to either. :( It's funny how when something is taken away from you or is forbidden you want it that much more. I hate that! :x
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Postby Spunky » June 26th, 2005, 2:49 am

Heather, It sounds like you had a tough week so far. CONGRATULATIONS for not caving in to your cravings or weekend habits!

It may be a long and winding road but you are here with a wonderful support team that will listen and help in every way we can! Don't beat yourself up, just learn from it. FOCUS on your goal and you will receive your rewards of a new healthier you each day.

Enjoy the journey, stick to the program just like you are doing and the weight will melt off.
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby LilMsTexas » June 26th, 2005, 6:13 am

Heather.......it's not going to hurt you to go for a walk in the evenings. The "no exercise" thing is meant for full on exercise. If you have extra energy and want to take a walk in the evening......go for it! You don't have to power walk of course......but an evening stroll with your boyfriend would be nice for BOTH of you ;)
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Postby FitQueen » June 26th, 2005, 4:22 pm

Spunky wrote:FOCUS on your goal and you will receive your rewards of a new healthier you each day.

Spunky -- I love your quote. I have to remind myself that I am making progress each day despite what the scales says. I keep getting on the scale 3 - 4 times per day and I am only on Day 4. I just started and must understand that compliance counts regardless if it is no pounds or 5 pounds.

Heather -- this was also my first weekend on MF, and it was very hard for me. I was in the house all weekend with husband and 3 kids. They all got on my last nerve. In addition, I have a bin of leases to review before work tomorrow and I don't feel like looking at them.

I too had a burst of energy and wanted to do my Leslie Sansome Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. But I was reminded by my fellow MF'ers to follow the program as outlined in the quick start booklet. No exercise for 3 to 4 weeks.

Well, we are here for each other. It seems that we have a lot of support on this message board.

Take care and may the MF (compliant) force be with you.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby LeeannNH » June 26th, 2005, 4:30 pm

hi heather

thank goodness for your post. i ahve had the WORST couple of days wanting to cave myself. its cool you didnt cause i can see it can be done if you set your mind to it.

its amazing isnt it, how one day staying compliant is way easy and the next you are hanging by a thread. this is hard today but i have to remeber how some days have been easy.

thank you so much for posting this. you inspired me to hold out! :mrgreen:

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Postby ljm498 » June 26th, 2005, 5:26 pm

Heather, great job on getting through the weekend! This shows you that you can get past the urge to eat off plan! I know what you mean by it being fun to go out and eat junk on the weekends. My DH and I used to have take-out every weekend because no one felt like cooking anything. It's been an adjustment that's for sure. But, I'm trying to see food for what it is, fuel, and not a form of entertainment. Works most of the time but sometimes I do miss that. Needless to say DH eats much healthier now too. He's a stick though and always has been :roll: Let your sucess this weekend carry you through one compliant day after another.

Way to go!

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Postby Sablebaby » June 26th, 2005, 8:19 pm

Yes, it has been a tough weekend! :twisted: However, I have not gone off plan! :D

I just got home after spending a couple of hours at the bookstore with BF. Well, I insisted on leaving as I was getting very drained and very hungry! :x He's very used to this as I am like that anytime I haven't eaten in a while. But, for about ten minutes he was wanting to stay and read his magazines. I sat there thinking about food. Subway once again crossed my mind. Darn subway! What is up with them?? I also thought of other things, too. So when he asked where I needed to go I told him home. And he said, for another one of those shakes? I said, yup! (still alittle uncertain) So, as were driving home (about 1.5 miles) I could smell every greasy place, that smelled so good! :shock: I drove home and immediately made a shake and came here.

While I was out I stopped at TJ Maxx to see if I could find the Davinci syrup. Yes, I found a bunch but only got the caramel! I had that with the PB in a choc shake and it was great!! :eat: YUM!!

So, yes the weekends have become difficult. During the week I stay home a lot and just have my meals. No temptations. But as soon as I go out I get tempted to no end! :x

Thanks to everyone who responded to my message. I'm glad I inspired some of you and I'm glad I can come here to become inspired. :D
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Postby want2Bthin » June 27th, 2005, 6:43 am


You are doing great! I know some days are tuff but you can do this! It gets easier with every passing day.

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You're Doing Great

Postby Lady Bug » June 27th, 2005, 3:20 pm

Hi Heather

I think you are doing great. You started a few days before me and yes this 1st weekend was bad for me too. But I made it and didnt cave but man I wanted too and was pretty grouchy and hungry. Which in itself is different for me cuz I'm generally a smiley person. But I'm forging ahead as I know we can do it.

Keep postin' and shakin'
Evie :D
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Postby bk » June 27th, 2005, 4:19 pm

Good job on resisting that temptation!! The first week is very hard, but if you get over your cravings and just stick with MF, the rest isn't so bad.

I do NOT want to be the party pooper, but those extra bars (are you having a second one regularly?) could be keeping your head on the food-thought train. A lot of people are sensitive to them, and even ONE bar a day is too many. Try having an extra shake instead of an extra bar to get you through.

And maybe, just maybe, you and your BF could figure out another togetherness activity than going out to eat for breakfast?! It also sounds like you could use some RTDs. You shouldn't be getting to the point of being shakey & hungry & drained. Gotta eat before that happens. Or you could tuck a packet inside your purse, buy a bottle of water, drink the extra, pour in, shake, and drink!

Good luck!

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Postby Sablebaby » June 27th, 2005, 4:41 pm

Thanks bk,

Not to worry though! I'm doing fine. I only had an extra bar the one day. But, an extra bar is better than chinese food! :shock: I think it was just too early in my program to go out to eat. I had a salad while he ate his breakfast. And right after that we went to the bookstore as that was an activity without food. See, the funny thing is when I am on a food plan I get hungry and shaky soon after 2 hours without eating (that's why I eat EVERY 2 hours). I could not go without food for 3-4 hours, unless I was really busy and had no time to even think about food. It's usually because any plan that I have been on only permits a small amount of food at a time (well, smaller than I am used to). I think I have a fast metabolism as I have a lot of lean muscle mass.

I tired some bullion (sp?) today and it perked me up real quick and I thought those little cubes would be perfect to keep in my purse for those times when I'm out too long, just as long as I can get a cup of hot water! :D Except my purse may smell like a chicken! :tongue:
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Postby bk » June 27th, 2005, 4:46 pm

An extra bar IS better than chinese food, for sure! Just wanted to make sure you're not making the too many bars mistake (a lot of people do when they first start out). I stayed away from any food events for about 3 weeks, until I felt safe.

The bullion is an excellent choice to carry around with you - I don't use it as often as I did in the beginning, but I will still have a cup if I'm not feeling great. I also like my pickles (with mustard on top!).

Keep on going!!! :)
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