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Postby aimalasplace » August 12th, 2005, 11:21 pm

Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I should be getting my package on Monday....I am so impatient. Iwant it now. LOL In the last year I have gained 50lbs. I have had alot of changes in my personal life. I finished school in Feb, Moved from CT to TX in March. I finally got a job and since I have been working there (1 month) I gained the 5 lbs. I am bloated and unhappy. I feel unattractive and depressed. I saw a commercial Sunday the 7th and "investigated" this product and have only heard great things about it- as long as you stay on it and don't slip up. I am not looking forward to the first 3-4 days. In my heart of heart this is my last chance or I will be "the fat lady" forever.
I am 32 5'3" 235+ and I would like to 130-150. To be honest I have always been a thick/muscular girl so I don't know what weight I will feel good at. I have attempted "diets" before and I always got to about 165 and then just gradually start sampling then it's downhill from there. I am a gal that lately can't commit to more than one week. Partly because I have a problem with food. I know I am addicted.
But I am going to take this one day at a time. I am glad to have found this forum and look forward to hearing from you all.
Thanks for letting me rant
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Postby martha » August 13th, 2005, 12:30 am


WELCOME !!!!!!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to have you with us..We all have been exactly where you are..awaiting our packages and wondering if this is going to work..WELL IT DOES!!!!!!!! Before you know it you will be losing andl osing and losing and wondering what took you so long to find MF.. :mrgreen: This forum is the greatest place to be for all the support you will ever need..CONGRATULATIONS on taking the step that will begin your journey to the new you :mrgreen: Martha
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Postby aimalasplace » August 13th, 2005, 4:00 am

Hi Martha,
Thanks for the reply, and thanks again for your encouragement. I didn't expect to hear from anyone so soon. :) I am new to forums in general. :exercise: I am very excited, I have been researching Low-Carb diets since I have ordered medifast and at least I won't be bored eatting once I reach my goal and start to increase "real" foods. I know know that I am intolerant to white things. I am alway bloating up whenever I eat anything. I can feel it happening as I eat. I never really knew you could be "allergic" to refined things.
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Postby Guest » August 14th, 2005, 6:21 am

Aimeé - I now how you feel! I was so addicted to food too! The first couple of days were the hardest, but I am going into my 2nd week and I can't explain how much better I feel.

My energy is up. My hunger is down and I'm loosing the fat that has interferd with my life. I lost 10.5 lbs, my first week!

Don't go off , no matter what the first few days and it will get easier! I promise.
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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2005, 9:03 am

Aimeé ~

Welcome and best wishes to a super week. It sounds like you have been reading and preparing for your first week of Medifasting. It is amazing how much better a person feels once the detoxification process is over. It won't take long.

Here's to your success :toast:

Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. :water:
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Postby aimalasplace » August 14th, 2005, 2:15 pm

Thanks for all your encouragement! I spent today cleaning out the cabinets. So I can make room and to take stock of the none "legal"
My boyfriend is not going on this so I separated my stuff to a cabinet for myself. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to get through my first few days? I have to work Tues-Fri 7p-7a. I am terified of headaches- I always get them when I am starting a diet and trying to "Detox" I used to not show up for work, I don't have that option now (new job)
Thanks again
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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2005, 2:31 pm

aimalasplace ~

I have a few suggestions - begin now - drink plenty of water - lots and lots - it helps to flush out the preservatives and food coloring, take an Advil or Ibuprofen, have 1-2 cups of bouillon he first few days to compensate for the fluid flush and get to bed early!

Have your meals ON time - if need be, have them every two hours and since you have a relatively long work day, you may need an extra shake or two those first few days. Remember, each shake is only 90 calories and is a perfect balance of protein to carbs. If you have a 6/1 or a 7/1 program for a few days, your weight loss will be rapid and safe and you'll have the energy needed to get the job done.

Not every one has a :twisted: headache.
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