SkinnyMinnie ~
I am thankful you are having a fairly easy time now and that you feel supported.
There is a wealth of info here at your
It takes just a little while to figure out how to
navigate around.
There is a little 'search' button clicky ^ up there and it can be used to
find topics you're interested in.
There is also an 'edit' boo-boo fixer button clicky on each of your postings box.
If you find a
boo-boo, you may
click the edit button and re-do, if you are so inclined.
We all
make typos. No worries.
We all make
mistakes along our
weight loss way, too - no worries.
~ It's the little flaws that make us unique and loveable. ~
Welcome to you again.
Soy long for now!