All is not bad either...just reality slapped the hell out of me this week.
My diet works perfectly. I just did not work my diet. I managed a loss of weight of 1.2 pounds over the past week. Undid the loss yesterday and added a pound and a half on the plus side. I went to the movies and did the popcorn thing, sans butter but still, woof!...then ate 2 veggie burgers on whole wheat bread for dinner.
Now...that is not the end of the world. It is even healthy enough...but at my size if I want to see my grandkids (under 2) do anything more than dirty diapers, I had better knuckle down. I don't have to be perfect. I just have to try. Yesterday I did not try.
Wait...I am not beating myself up. Overall, I have done great in the 5 weeks I have been liquid dieting. I am still down 43.6 pounds in 5 weeks with my gain. But what put the spur under my backside was that I saw when i logged in my weight (gain) this AM on Fitday that I was more than 1/2 way to my 1st major goal. I had no idea. I had never thought of it. So, I am remotivating myself. There are 2 grandsons who have never been fishing and never seen Disneyworld. I want to share both with them.
Today...I still cannot walk well due to weight and old war wounds. I cannot do anything about the war wounds. I can fix the weight. I have no other choice.
Thanks for letting me rant.