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Hi all, new to forum

Postby Echo » May 16th, 2004, 12:14 pm

This looks like a very supportive group, and I think that is the other piece of the puzzle I need to help me reach my goals. I'm a nurse, and know the importance of a healthy diet and exercise, but that is different than doing it. My weight has fluctuated through the years but I am at my heaviest and have developed back pain and sciatica due to two herniated discs, which makes it hard to get through a 12 hour emergency room shift.

I am inspired by some of your stories and hope to achieve the same success. It seems like a lot of you had special events you wanted to get ready for like trips, graduations and weddings. I need my own special thing to look forward to also and I've decided to go on a cruise in January. That will be my 38th birthday and a new year, and hopefully a healthier new me!

If anyone knows of especially beautiful cruise destinations let me know, it will be my first cruise.


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Postby Landylue » May 16th, 2004, 1:35 pm

Hello, and welcome to the forum! I think it's wonderful that you are planning a cruise as a 'done good' award--great idea!

The only cruise I've ever been on was a 3-day down the Rhine River. There was a draught that year in Germany, and the river was so low at one point, we either hit bottom or a submerged object. Ah well, if you're taking a poll, I'd vote for the deep waters off of Alaska.

Anyway, this is a great place to gather support and encouragement. Come visit often.

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Postby Echo » May 16th, 2004, 5:14 pm

Thanks, Landylue. I may skip the Rhine. I was wondering what other motivation people used to stay on track. Someone posted about a list they kept of all the reasons to lose weight that they would revisit when they were feeling temptation. I'm going to try that.

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Postby ILOVEMY DOG! » May 16th, 2004, 5:38 pm

:D Hi Echo!
I think a cruise is great reward for reaching your goal! My family prefers Royal Caribbean cruise line. My husband and I are planning to visit Disney in four weeks so that is one of the short term motivations to lose weight. Another reason is that we want to learn as much as we can about proper nutrition. We want to have children in a year or two. It is highly important to us that we role model good eating choices for our children. We want our actions to speak not our words. Echo I am glad you joined and look forward to talking with you! I think it is pretty neat that you, Meg and myself have all joined the forum this weekend! ;) All the best!

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Postby TypingTrish » May 17th, 2004, 3:55 pm

Hi Echo! Nice to have you here with us! :wave:

Setting goals is a wonderful motivational tool! My husband and I will be married 20 years in June 2005....we are planning a trip to my dream destination...Australia! My goal is to weigh less than I weighed on our wedding day in 1985!

Again...welcome! :wave:

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Postby Marseilles » May 17th, 2004, 7:21 pm

Hello, Nurse Echo!! :)

How great to have a person that works in the healthcare field join this AWESOME forum and all the medifasters! So great to see you and have you join us.

Im sure that you will agree that this forum will be your pillar, it has certainly become mine! People here are wonderful..great inspiration and some of them give a great kick in the hiney when it is needed.

Setting goals is a great plan, meeting them brings such AWESOME feelings of achievement.

Im sure that regardless of where you decide to go on your cruise, you will have a super time in your new found thinness..basking in the sun and working on your tan. Under the proper SP, of course!!

Looking forward to hearing lots from you!!

Again, welcome!!
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