
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby AnnaKat » February 15th, 2005, 1:47 pm

I've been on Medifast for 2 weeks and have lost 17 lbs! But I am craving a beer, or two. Has anyone been drinking on this diet and what has it done to your weight loss? I KNOW it slows you down and I should not touch it, but there are times when I want to have a drink. I'm just curious to see what others have to say who actually have had some alcohol.
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Postby explorthis » February 15th, 2005, 2:39 pm

Actually, I doubt anyone that HAS had any would admit it. Alcohol is a NO-NO period. Sugar=carbs=stay fat.

Not to be blunt, but why choose Medifast ½ ways? If you “KNOW” it slows you’re your loss, why even tempt it? This program is not cheap, but is VERY effective.

Trust me, once the weight is gone, you can have your craved alcohol.

Another thing, I see you have been on it for 2 weeks and lost 17 pounds? This is an astonishing wonderful amount, why would you want to jeopardize it anyway? Additionally, most of us are here because of lack of control. Any of us that drink, probably know one leads to two, three, then we are making excuses for restart, after restart, and before we know it, we are cursing ourselves for ever “CHEATING” in the first place.
It will be anarchy; soon we will ALL be drinking beer! NO!

Ok, I am done now.

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 15th, 2005, 3:21 pm

I'm a beer lover. I mean a beer LOVER and Martinis and wine. Wow a yummy dry dry ice cold Saphire martini... Uh what was the question?

Oh yeah. Its been really hard to not drink, especially since its a big social activity for my husband and I to go out to see shows at bars. Our group of friends meets for drinks, etc.

However I've found that if I have *one* sip of my husband's beer/drink/wine then I'm all good. We did go to a party the other weekend and I drank my water out of a beer cup and no one asked me why I wasn't drinking. (The last time someone discovered I wasn't drinking, they asked if I was pregnant. -_-) I also managed to get my last medifast shake in for the night using the same technique. I just poured it out of thermos into my cup and no one questioned it.

Just don't drink half the beer or have a glass worth of sips, just have a sip (kegstand and beer bongs are not "sips" ;)). Its really not worth it to have anymore than that.

I'm going to have to pass up the Grand Red Tasting this year becuase of MF. Granted I could still go and spit the wine, but who actually spits the wine?? ;)

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Postby scrabbler7 » February 15th, 2005, 4:16 pm

As LW always says -- you know what beer (or cheese steaks or soft pretzels or chocolate ... do I need to go on?) tastes like -- you've had it a hundred no a thousand no thousands upon thousands of times. It still tastes the same. It will taste the same when you finish the plan.

There have been some situations that I've gotten through only because I keep making myself think of that little piece of leopard wisdom.

Don't jeapordize that tremendous loss (I'm quite jealous -- I've been on the program over 4 weeks - completely program compliant and I've only lost 13 pounds).

Lose the beer - lose the belly ----
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Postby elle4nelly » February 16th, 2005, 10:47 am


Sorry Mike !!!!!!!!!!! I'll admit to it. I have given into a round of Martini or two last year when I struggled to stay straight. I noticed on the Full fast the scale would drop a little due to increase dehydration but then the next day it would go up past the last reading due to the body retaining water because it had been dehydrated the day before.

Honestly, don't give into anything that isn't acceptable! Your beer will turn into 2....soon you'll crave something else 2.

Learn from all of us in this forum who have fallen off the wagon before....

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