I am doing ok now but I was bad this weekend.

DH and I went to Lake of the Woods this past weekend with the inlaws. I can honestly say that they are very selfish people. On Friday DH was packing everything for us and getting things ready to go, but they were not ready. 330am saturday the inlaws were still packing while DH loaded the truck. One of the cats gets out of the house and runs under the vehicles and the only way to trick him into capture is by using a laser pointer. He loves to chase a laser pointer. I lock him in the den so he doesn't get loose again. About 445 we pull out of the driveway and are on the way. The father in law is driving and he is scarier than dad when he drives. Around corners I grip on to anything to make sure that I don't fall.

By 5 am already being driven crazy and thinking why did I agree to this. We arive at Lake of the Woods at about 12 and DH and I are hungry even though we had eaten 3 or 4 packets of food. Maybe it was stress. I don't know.

We unpack the food and put meat in the crockpot for supper and opt out of fishing. After some depating we deside to be bad. Off the the lodge we go and proceed to eat and drink. The only people in the lodge are the bartender Carol and the owner Drew. Drew is a very handsome man and after talking to him we discover that he is an exmodel. After a while more staff file in and proceed to unwind with some deverages. DH and I shoot pool, play darts and listen to music on the jutbox. Carol and Drew gave me at least 5 dollar to pick out music after liking my first choices. This was the highlight of my day. Just hangin out and having fun. The next day we go fishing and the father in law is driving again. I thought he was scary on the road, but he is worse on the lake. It didn't help much that there was alot of wind and other boat traffic. I caught the first 2 fish and the mother in law caught the last 2 fish. The father in law only listens to his DW about spots to fish. Both DH and I are annoyed at this and the inlaws are being thier usual selfish selves. GRRRRRRRRR. We are so annoyed by thier behavier that we head to the lodge again to get away. We didn't eat anything this time, but did drink and shot pool. It was nice to be away from them.

On monday we packed up and said good bye to all the friendly staff. I hugged Drew and the other lady in the bar and off we were on the way home in the vehicle with the crazy driver.
Now I am back on plan and was pleasently suprised that I had lost 2 pounds in stead of gaining 2 when I stepped on the scale. All in all it was a great weekend and I would go back to Riverview Resort in a heart beat.