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Postby Aerie » September 3rd, 2006, 2:25 pm

Thanks Jeepie, I just posted in your journal.

Wow I was really surprised by my loss this week.

So I've started Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. IMO it's a bit of an adult Harry Potter. I'm just 50 pages in or so but I'm enjoying the development of Mr. Norrell's character. I also find his manservant, Childermass creepy and expect him to play a pivotal role later in the story. By the way this is a hefty book at about 850 pages and divided into 3 main sections.

The main premise so far revolves around a society of english magicians, that pratice no magic :roll: and an stranger, Mr. Norell :twisted: , who does practice magic and strives to prevent other from doing so. He's a bit of a hermit until he is introduced into English Society and paraded around by a social leech named Mr Drawlight. :muahaha:

Strange things are afoot methinks! I'll keep ya'll posted.
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Postby Aerie » September 3rd, 2006, 2:34 pm

OOoops forgot finish my review on The Expected One. Well it really faltered at the end and I'll have to change my thumbs up to a mixed review. Throughout the novel there were journal entries from "Mary Magdalene's diary". It's discovery was the premise of the story. While the present tense sections of the book were enjoyable M.M.'s "journal" was too modern in it's language and in the character's behaviors. It just didn't work. I couldn't really buy into the notion that the journal was written a couple thousand years ago and it was really a weak ending to the novel.

I probably would not recommend this book.
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Postby Aerie » September 5th, 2006, 3:15 am

Wow I just realized I didn't post yesterday. Not like me to miss a day. Anyhooo... The hospital was very busy yesterday, with it being the holiday and all the others vets in town closed. Saw lots of nice cases and bought the staff lunch since it sucks having to work on the holiday. Today is our monthly staff meeting. Lately these have been turning into bitch sessions. Middle management is having some problems with the lower staff members. I try to extract myself from that so I'll be talking about our new microchipper and our new continuing education series. Then I'll leaving the bitching up to those I pay to do it :-P :-P :-P

I've been great with compliance lately and I am especially proud of my behavior at a little pizza dinner we attended Saturday night. I was really worried about offending our good friends. They invited us over for pizza and to see the progress they've made remodeling their new home. Well I brought a huge field green salad to share. I ate 1/2 of a very small piece of pizza and a nice big salad. Woke up weighed in another pound gone. YEAH!!!!!!! I am really amazed at the self control I've found with this diet.

Oh yeah and DSW is having a clearance sale and I picked up three new pairs of shoes. They're so cute. All a vaiation on slip ons. One is beaded with a thick cushy sole, one is an Anne Klein with a heal in black leather (I love Anne Klein especially on clearance) and one is a simple black mule with a faux fur lining and a cool cut out heel. One great thing about shoes....... unlike clothes I'll be able to wear these for more than a month.
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Postby Serendipity » September 5th, 2006, 7:43 am

Did I hear DSW???
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Postby Aerie » September 5th, 2006, 1:02 pm

God I love that store!
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Postby Aerie » September 7th, 2006, 7:46 am

Just too busy to do much posting lately but wanted to let you know I'm still here and I'm still shaking. Actually it been so rainy I'm doing a lot of broths these days. So warming. I'm glad summer is almost over.
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Postby Aerie » September 8th, 2006, 7:11 am

Ahhhh two days off in a row. Yeah! I had a very busy week and boy do I need this time off. Unfortunately I've really been inadvertantly starving myself. NOT getting in nearly enough supplements. I'm okay if I miss one or two once in a while but once I start really missing or if I miss multiple days in a row my weight loss slows quite a bit. My time at the hospital is just so hectic. I constantly have about 3 people standing over my shoulder waiting for me to pause so they can ask me something or tell me something, plus of course there's the patients and the clients and the bills and the ....... Well you get the drift. I think I may just take a case of RTDs to the hospital and set my watch to beep every 3 hours. Finding time to shake or nuke is getting harder and harder. I can't tell you the times I've boiled-over or heated in the microwave and it was cold again by the time I got back to it.

I'm so very proud that I haven't started cheating though. AND I WON"T DON'T YOU WORRY. In the past I'd get through tough days by saying, "What foods can I eat to get some joy out of this day? Today will be bearable because I'll order pizza, or Chinese or whatever". There's always food lying around too but I've not even once taked a single bite. Yeah me! It's the fear of falling off the wagon. I LOVE that fear!!!

So my hospital administrator is getting married tomorrow. She and her hubby are taking their vows on horseback. How cute. They are also having a mechanical bull at the reception. The pictures will be great I'm sure. I'm so happy for her. This is her second marriage. Hubby number one was around for 13 years. Highschool sweethearts. He spiralled into a terrible crack cocaine addiction. The final straw was when the kids found him floating in the tub one night when he was supposed to be caring for them. They thought he was dead and had to call 911. Finally she just said no more. Their 3 children are amazing and they LOVE her fiancee. He has a son from a first marriage which also ended in an alcoholic/drug nightmare. They all get along great. They just bought a new house and new trucks and I gave her a huge raise. Anyhow, they are so happy together and it's just such a great fairytale ending. I'll probably cry during the vows.

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Well this is a very Dickensonian read. Slow paced and descriptive but enthralling never-the-less. It will be a long time before my review though because it's such a long book. Stay tuned....
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Postby Nova » September 8th, 2006, 7:21 am

I got Johnathon Strange and Mr. Norrell as a Christmas present last year. I agree that it's a slow read, but a very good one. It seems slower in the middle, and then toward the end, it gets so ...interesting. It's hard to describe without spoiling it, but I will say that I put it down for a few days in the middle more than once. When I got about 2/3 of the way into it, I devoured the rest of the book, and I still think about it a year later. That's the mark of a good book, in my opinion.

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Postby Aerie » September 16th, 2006, 6:17 am

Well I'm still alive. Haven't been posting because I've been too busy chasing the f&%#@ng wagon I fell off of a week ago :x

Not too much damage but I sure feel like sh*t. Got back on plan yesterday and I'm feeling much better now. Not really sure what set me off but I suspect it was a combination of wedding/birthdayparty/dinner dates and being hungry because as I noted before I've ben skipping many meals due to my hectic schedule. Ahhh well it's a journey.

Got a new 'puter yesterday. It's a mobile laptop so now I can take ya'll on my forays to the bookshop. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell - about 2/3 of the way through this huge book and I'm realy in love. It's so Dickensian and I'm just immersed in the story. I'll be finishing up this weekend for sure and then I'l give a full report.

Okay I'm off but I promise you'll be seing me around again. Mised ya!
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Postby JeepGirl » September 16th, 2006, 7:04 am

Oh Doc I have missed ya! I ma glad your back!

I admit that my reading of Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell is slow coming for me. It is rare I need to go back and reread something because a comment has me lost yet I have done that a few times during this.
I am getting into it more with each chapter which is a good thing.

YAY at getting back in the game as well as a new computer!
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Postby ebony868 » September 16th, 2006, 8:47 am

Doc said: "Well I'm still alive. Haven't been posting because I've been too busy chasing the f&%#@ng wagon I fell off of a week ago"


Get back on their honey, we all take a trip once in awhile!
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Postby GucciGoo » September 20th, 2006, 9:06 am

Hee-hee. I finally found someone that curses as much as I do!
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Postby Aerie » September 25th, 2006, 6:48 pm

Arghhhhhh. Busy Busy Busy. I'm here and shakin' I promise. We just did a huge series of charity events at the hospital and my sister-in-law had her baby. I'll post pics as soon as I get them. He's adorable. One month early but doing very well.
I know I'm not as "fun" as I used to be around here but I promise to make more of an effort right away. I miss ya'll when I'm "away".
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Postby JeepGirl » September 25th, 2006, 7:19 pm

Congrats on your Nephew..what a strong name!!

Oh and you better make an effort girlie or we will send the calvary after ya! ;)

Hugs its good to know your still around..kinda-sorta anyway.
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Postby Sojourner » September 25th, 2006, 9:06 pm

Hiya Doc!!! I've missed you, but it's good to know you're still around!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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