Advice, please??

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Advice, please??

Postby Marseilles » June 20th, 2004, 7:00 pm

Greetings all...

I have a question for those that might have an I ended up spending the entire day in bed, sicker than I have ever been with a migraine headache. I have seen that some others suffer from them and I do have to say, that in my twenty or so years of being plagued by them, this was by far the very worst I have ever experienced..which brings me to my question:

The only thing I managed to take in was one RTD shake and I was entirely unable to hold it down. I tried water and had difficutly managing that as well. I had a soda cracker with a scraping of peanut butter in hopes that I could manage to hold that down to no avail..About the only thing I was able to keep down was ice chips.

My question is, how negatively is this going to affect things? how should I try and compensate, or should I? There is just NO way I can even fathom a shake at this point, without being violently ill again.

My intent is to sip on some broth this evening and again try and stay hydrated with water if I can manage to keep it down..

Suggestions or advice anyone? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a bunch,
-M. the weak and miserable :(
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Postby Carrie » June 21st, 2004, 5:04 am

Didn't see this post till now - how are you doing this morning? Let us know - and I don't really see any way around it but to get rightback on the program as soon as you are able.

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby explorthis » June 21st, 2004, 8:15 am

Hmmm.. Nor did I. How did you come out?

Sorry I did not log on sooner....

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Marseilles » June 21st, 2004, 8:53 am

Hi guys..

Thanks for your concern. Im past the migraine today, thankfully. Some residual effects like being extremely tired and dragging my butt in a serious way but that should pass within the next day or so. I didnt manage to get in anymore of my shakes but I dont guess there is too much I can do about that..just picked up and continued on as usual today. Or so far, anyways. (My stomach is still really sketchy but I have thus far managed to keep everything down, thankfully!) I didnt have too much luck with much of anything yesterday for that matter, just sipped on water as I could.

Im not sure if I will ever be able to stomach another vanilla RTD though, thats for sure!!

My weight is down 4lbs this morning, so who knows..guess I'll know the adverse effects within the next couple days. Perhaps my body will hold tight to what it has till I get settled back into routine or maybe even see a gain..not sure. My concern was it messing up ketosis.

Hope I NEVER have to experience the likes of that again!!

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