Accountability of a Lurker

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Postby DonicaB » May 28th, 2005, 6:35 am

Wow~~I am really late, but WELCOME to both of you. As you can see this forum is GREAT! I don't know what I would do without these people. You both have made a great a happier, healthier you.

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Postby SUZYQ6488 » May 31st, 2005, 12:43 pm

Dear noexcuse - I was reading your post and it sounds sooo familiar! I have been on & off the plan for the past year or so - with less than desirable results. I am hoping that the forum will inspire me to continue!
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Postby Nancy » May 31st, 2005, 10:26 pm

SuzyQ -

Accountability is part of the BE SLIM philosophy of the Take Shape For Life Program - the Forum is one aspect of being accountable to others.

First and foremost, commit to yourself to do all that you can to get your health back - you will be glad you did!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby noexcuse » June 1st, 2005, 9:32 am


Wow, I am touched that my post made an impression; I too have always been on an endless struggle and can certainly identify. :D When I found Medifast it was literally the answer to my prayers :angel: and even though I got sidetracked it still is…. I know that this is the diet, this is the year that I will achieve my weight loss goal, and most importantly this is the year to be honest with myself and stop the excuses. :oops:
People’s minds will spend endless hours trying to think of ways to avoid doing a certain tasks at home, work and even adhering to a diet, it is human nature to think of ways to only do the things we like and avoid the things we don’t. I am always fascinated at myself though with the amount of energy and time it takes for me to conjure up an excuse when I could have just done the task been long done and on to the nest one, and in this case I could be onto the next task in my bikini feeling 1000 x better about myself and having my health. :-P
It's true some days are harder then others but I can honestly say that getting more active with posting :puter: has had a major impact on my accountability, compliance and most importantly honesty to myself. I’d just encourage you to get online read and post when you can, it has really helped me and even though I am a very sociable person, I am not a computer fan and have never posted on forums before and such. But with all of that aside the time is well worth it, the people are great and I can use it to constantly evaluate my thinking making sure I am making good choices and being positive in my thoughts since for me my weight loss battle starts in my head with my thinking. Hope to see you online :D
Eccl 3:1 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. (Now is the time to acheive your goal)


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