Absolute BEST tips to get through Thanksgiving

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Absolute BEST tips to get through Thanksgiving

Postby Lisa in NY » November 23rd, 2005, 8:23 am

I'd love to hear from everyone, especially all you "veteran" Medifasters, your BEST tips/strategies to get through a holiday like Thanksgiving. If everyone could list at least ONE, we should end up with a pretty good list on this thread. I think I'm going to need as much help as possible tomorrow, but I am determined to succeed!

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Postby ljm498 » November 23rd, 2005, 10:25 am

Great idea! I think for me it's going to be to be completely prepared for every possibility. For example, I know I'll be having my 7oz of turkey breast and some broccoli. Then for after when everyone else is snacking on pie and whatnot, that's when I'll have my sugar free jello. I'm also going to make sure I have enough supplements with me in case I'm at my parents for longer than expected. This way, there is no excuse. And if I'm going out of my mind with wanting something extra, I'll have an extra supplement. Better that than apple pie. And get my water in, lends to the full feeling. Also, I'm about 15lbs away from my goal and that is a huge motivator for me as well.

Hope that helps! Let's hear from others!

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Pumpkin Chiffon Pie and other musings...

Postby Nancy » November 23rd, 2005, 10:31 am

Lisa, what a great idea!

TSFL is including a great little booklet with holiday tips with all orders this month and next.

Thanks to Unca Tim, we have some links for you here. Check them out…


I’d like to share a few thoughts here...

Thanksgiving Day occurs but once a year, as does Christmas.

Each is a 24 hour period of time.

Foodies, we do not need to allow the day to last any longer than those 24 hours. i.e. don’t permit Thanksgiving and Christmas to become a feeding frenzy for a week or a month-long buffet.

We can do anything for 24 hours, right?

To be happy, healthy and self-satisfied, be very wise how you spend your day: sneak-eating in the kitchen or chatting it up with friends and family.

Begin your day just like every day – have your Medibreakfast packet.

Eat all meals on time - don't skip packets - you will set yourself up for a big fall. If you plan to eat a few special holiday items, don't think that by skipping your packets that you will lower your calories to compensate for what you will eat off-program. You will be ravenous and eat everything that's not nailed down!

Prepare and have available healthy snacks like celery, dill pickles, cucumber spears and some pickled veggies - they are low in calories and since they are often spicy, tangy or crunchy, they can satisfy one’s desire to munch when others are eating chips and fatty Ranch dip…

Prepare some special Medifast meals to enjoy and serve them in special goblets or bowls.

Keep up with your water intake - slurp from a crystal wine goblet with a thin lemon slice or sip hot water from a china cup – herbal tea is tasty, aromatic and very satisfying.

Some foods are really not special at all – they are things that you can prepare and have anytime at all – others are more difficult to whip up. I’d never think of eating a Brown and Serve roll – sheesh! They are filled with preservatives, usually end up crusty and dried out on one end and doughy on the other. I’ve eaten dozens of them in my lifetime - why waste calories on it?

Green Bean casserole is loaded with carbs, fat and calories. Green beans with onions and seasoned with fresh garlic and ginger are crunchy and low in calories and much better for your heart.

Mashed potatoes are so mundane. I’ve eaten acres of potatoes in my lifetime and can make them any time I want to. One cup of mashed potatoes is no different from another – why waste my waistline on white potatoes that send my blood sugar sky-high and prepare me for an afternoon nap? A better alternative would be a bite of a baked yam or sweet potato with no heart-harming butter – maybe a drizzle of maple extract or sugar-free caramel syrup.

I’d never think of touching my tastebuds with a store-bought pumpkin pie – they are always soggy anyway. I’d make a Medifast-legal punkin pie – here’s a great recipe for you to try…

Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

1 packet Medifast Chai Latte Supplement
1 ½ Tablespoon dry powder mix Jell-O Sugar-Free Vanilla Cook & Serve Pudding
½ packet Knox Unflavored Gelatin (1 full teaspoon)
3 oz. Hot water
3 oz. Cold water
2 Ice cubes

Combine Chai Latte Supplement & Jell-O puddin’ powder in a small container. Set aside.

Stir gelatin into hot water. Let soften 3-4 minutes and then stir until clear.

Add cold water and stir again.

Process gelatin mixture, dry ingredients in blender until thoroughly combined.

Add ice cubes one at time until mixture begins to thicken.
Pour into bowl.
Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours,

Pie Crust: 1 packet finely crushed Medifast MultiGrain Crackers, place in bottom of bowl

Once the Chai Latte is set, spoon over the crust.

Top with a teensy bit of Fat Free Whipped Topping…

Best wishes to you all for a healthy Thanksgiving Day. Be blessed ‘cuz you’re a blessing to us! :turkey:
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Postby suzyq » November 23rd, 2005, 11:29 am

I liked Nancy's suggestion on another thread about cutting up a bar into small pieces - I plan to have my bar this way tomorrow while everyone else is having pie - with a nice hot cup of tea! I am also trying to find time for a walk between work and dinner at my mom's - helps keep me motivated not to cheat!

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Postby Serendipity » November 23rd, 2005, 1:32 pm

Hi, great idea! I will stay on program without fail, and remind myself if necessary that Thanksgiving comes every year and by this time next year, I will be able to join in with moderation, of course. No big tips here, just determination to succeed.
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Absolute BEST tips to get through Thanksgiving

Postby Jules » November 23rd, 2005, 7:20 pm

Happy Thanksgiving :D If we can do anything for three days, we can surely do something for 24 hours!! When it's over, it's over!! There is so much to look forward to after Thanksgiving.....the New Year is going to be so much better now that I'm thinner!! Clothes, vacations, graduations, weddings, banquets and more....after making it past day 50, there is no way I am going to let one day spoil things. I am planning on that good Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal with some pumpkin pie spice!! I'm on a roll and it's gonna be great!! Jules
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Postby lauradr » November 24th, 2005, 9:23 am

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! :turkey: Everyone. I know we can all make it threw the day :cleader: just keep your eye on the goal :star: not the food and we will be ringing in the NEW YEAR :buddies: alot thinner. I weighed this AM, I know its not Sunday :oops: but I did and I am down 3LBs so for this week :o :bahhumbug: and I will not let food get in my way!!!! :x GO GO GO TEAM :cleader: :cleader: :cleader:
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