When she started Medifasting, Nancy's clothing size was changing by the week. As soon as she was smaller, she bagged up her too large clothing and passed it on to others. Her philosophy is this: wear clothing that fits your body. If it's baggy, it's outta here!
Nancy had nothing to wear - which is not a good thing! Some great friends came to her assistance and brought her clothing from their smaller-sized friends and relatives. How fun to get something new to you and show it off!
Nancy did a lot of shopping at Goodies (Goodwill) and VeeVee's (Value Village) When she was down-sizing. Now she has a shopping network of friends that are on the lookout for fabulous buys at garage sales and Goodies.
Do you wanna participate in our Swap 'n Shop Department?
Place your post, state your intention - swap it, sell it, or give it and then send a description or any pics of your clothing article/s to Unca_Tim who will add them to your posts.
You may also post pics of any new items you've added to your
wardrobe since losing weight.
You know, kinda like SHow 'n Tell or Bring and Brag on the runway - Model it and Brag about it section!
Nancy LOVES to model her latest fashion finds. Gosh, I hate it though when she asks me if it makes her look fat!
If I say it does, I'm on the patio for a week with no Medifast Chocolate Puddin'!
When you send your photo or clothing desription, include your intention of what you'd like to do with your item (Donate, trade, or sell), clothing size, Brand Name, color, etc.
If you're unable to post a pic, add a detailed description of your
Never post your email address publicly. Click on the members email
button to correspond, or use the PM (Private Message) button.
Enjoy the Forum,
