Scrabbler ~

Drat! No news yet...I just asked on Thursday and again on Monday. I was told "on or around the first of March."
Well, Kids, we are now facing the Twoth of March Eve right this very minute and they are not on the so-called shelf when I just "Shopped Now."
I dunno know what to tell ya. I love 'em, too. When I hear something, I'll advise you.

BTW, my computer crashed.

It was a

BAD crash, even
the techno wizard Unca T cannot figure it out and we are awaiting Geeks A-Knocking to arrive at 8 AM and do a major fix-up...thus I have not been chiming in very often on the Forum.
I am on a borrowed humongo jobberdoo and it doesn't have all my fave programs, etc. I am paralyzed without my lappy!