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Postby izabelle » September 29th, 2004, 9:20 pm

I am having the worst time staying true to MF. I am lucky lately to get in 3 of the 5 supplements and keep my meals the "true lean and green". I have a salad but cannot stomach oil and vinegar on it. My meat portions are often upwards of 6-8oz. Trying to get all the supplements in is tough. I am at work in a restaurant and as the only waitress, I can't seem to sit down and get my shakes in. I do have one early in the morning and then usually end up having my meal around 1pm or so. I am so stuffed from eating that I don't want another shake until 6pm and by then it is impossible to imagine getting the rest in.

PLEASE share with me how I can overcome this. I have been trying since August 23 and have only managed to lose 8lbs. I am frustrated and know I could do better if I only had the willpower not to cheat now and then and to DO IT RIGHT!!!

Thanks for listening and for your advice. :cry:
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Postby Lois » September 30th, 2004, 5:29 am

Hi Izabelle,

Oh, honey!!!!! I can't imagine being around all that food all day long....you are to be COMMENDED for what you have accomplished so far.

I don't know that I have any words of "advice" other than this: It REALLY helped me when I made a committment to be 100% compliant to the program, exercise EVERY day, and post daily here for 100 days in a row. I am almost halfway through, and knowing that I was going to "report" here daily has kept me from cheating MANY times.

I wish you ALL the best, Izabelle! Make full use of this wonderful support forum. It really makes a difference!


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Postby looznit » September 30th, 2004, 5:29 am

You're not the only one who has a problem getting all the shakes down daily. Try having one as soon as you get up, to get an extra in. Also, I force myself to have one every 3 hours, just to make sure I get them all in. I don't know if you're married & have a family but I save my meal so I can sit at the table with them for some normalcy, etc.

Good luck!

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Postby smartiegrrl » September 30th, 2004, 9:26 am

I rarely sit down to have a shake. I shake up in the shaker jar with some crushed ice from the fridge and suck it down in a straw in a manner of seconds. The entire process takes about 2 minutes. Another thing you could do is prepare 2 in a small thermos before you leave and just drink some when you get a chance throughout the day. Straws really help. Can't say enough about straws. :) Its really important you get those 3 shakes in early in the day. And its really important you get all of your MF meals in. The MF part of your food intake shouldn't be skipped.

Maybe this would be a good time to have a bar, instead, as well. Have your shake in the morning and bring a bar with you. You can nibble on it as you have time. (Be sure to drink water or something with it)

As for the salad, I believe its ok to have a small amount of other salad dressing. I know MF makes salad dressing packets, but I've never tried them. Personally, I don't care much for dressing, so I don't usually use it. Maybe switch it up and have the veggies from the list instead of salad?

I'd also consider picking up "Success in a Shaker Jar" it has a lot of good information in there that I didn't get from the doctor or the quickstart guide. It helps you understand how the program works so you can get the most from it and lose efficiently. :)

Good luck to you. :D

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Postby izabelle » September 30th, 2004, 10:07 am

Thank you so much for the support and help. I will try premixing and sipping throughout the day. I do eat vegies instead, usually spinach or broccolli.
I think the only way I will be able to do this successfully is to rely on only the MF products and forgo the food entirely. I am going to try this for 3 days and see if my will power gets any better and perhaps I will not be so full and get in 6 shakes.

:D Thanks again...I just love this forum!
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Postby DutchChoc » September 30th, 2004, 7:31 pm

Izabelle, this will sound coy and laughable, but I feel safe saying for all the shakes-only people here that we're happy to get the shakes in and LOVE having a shake, lol! It's what makes our world go round, and I mean that literally of course!! Getting six shakes in will be pretty easy, if that's what you want to do. I know it sounds tough in some ways, but after a short while of nothing else, it gets remarkably easy to keep shakin' only.

I'd agree w/ smartiegirl that you can drink a shake in a couple of minutes if you're rushed, in the time it takes to use the restroom if there's no other option. That is NOT the best-case scenario, but once on a roll, there's probably nothing you wouldn't be willing to keep things going smoothly. Stay in touch because this group will be here to talk.
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » October 1st, 2004, 12:54 pm

Hi! I'm sorry you are struggling with compliance. Sometimes it is hard, but overeating and not getting all supplements in is an ugly catch-22 in itself. The more you cheat, the more you crave later, and when you skip supplements, you are more tempted to cheat because you aren't taking in your nourishment!

If food is such an issue, my advice would be to cut out the lean and green ( I think if you are on full fast, you have to be monitored by a doctor) altogether until you have broken the cycle that's breaking YOU. it was easy for me to do that, because it took all food choices away from me. You can't overeat on your allowed protein portion if you aren't having one, can you? And you don't have to eat a salad if you hate the dressings....have steamed broccoli or asparagus or one of the other allowable veggies.
There are many options, you just have to make a promise to yourself.

Good luck--stick around the forum--it helps keep your chin up as well!

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