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Postby Nicole81 » May 10th, 2006, 11:44 am

I am having a horrible week. I have been starving and haven't been able to get back on! I think it is because I am expecting TOM. It doesn't always happen but sometimes right before TOM I have a bottomless pit for a stomach. I went back up to 200 and I am so upset with myself. Does anyone else ever have this problem? I really want to be down 30 more pounds by July and I feel so discouraged right now.
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Postby Sarya » May 10th, 2006, 11:49 am

Hi Nicole, just hold on and try to stick to plan. I'm right in the same boat with you. :( I am soooo hungry right now. I've had three supplements and a half cup of cucumbers. I'm trying to hold out another 15 minutes before I have my bar, but it's killer.

Try going for a walk or drink a ton more water?

Not only am I hungry, but I have the nasty taste/smelly breath thing going on! It should be one or the other.. hmpf.

I'm planning my meals to focus on the chocolate shakes this week because I always crave chocolate around now. Anything to get through it.

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Postby Nicole81 » May 10th, 2006, 11:57 am

The first month I did MF I didn't have this problem. It is very frusterating! I hope it doesn't last much longer. At least you have stayed on plan sarya! Good for you! I don't seem to feel as horrible today so maybe the monster cravings are almost over.
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Postby Sarya » May 10th, 2006, 12:03 pm

hehe it's only the first day of this crazy hunger for me :) I still have a good week and a half to go before I can hope it's really over. I hope I'm wrong. I drank less water today so I need to drink more tomorrow. Of course, the difference is that by now I would have had 12 glasses or more instead of just 8, but I guess those four glasses do alot for me. I'm still going to bring an extra shake tomorrow just in case.

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Postby Nicole81 » May 10th, 2006, 12:10 pm

Well I hope this doesn't happen to us next month. Maybe we'll breeze through it! :D
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Postby wildtrk » May 10th, 2006, 12:39 pm

I have been fortunate and not really had much in the way of hunger pains. When I do have them I get my mind on something else. Get involved in a project. Get out of the house (removes you from any temptation) Go walk the dog, if you are at work start looking through old e-mail that you need to respond to. Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and write down 10 reasons that are important for you to lose weight. I start my list off my children's names. Look at that list an envision how well you will feel when you make make your goal! Take the opposite approach...look for a reason not to eat instead of the alternative.

Just remember you are not alone....we all have are individual battles.
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Postby falisamarie » May 10th, 2006, 12:42 pm


Don't suffer and let yourself get too hungry. You can space your meals closer together to help with hunger and don't forget the legal snacks. It is better to have an extra shake if you are really hungry rather than eat something off program. Hang in there and drink that water it really helps. Remember it is only a few days or so of compliance before you are in the Medigroove where hunger is a thing of the past.

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Postby MusicalMomma » May 10th, 2006, 2:16 pm

Nicole81 wrote:The first month I did MF I didn't have this problem. It is very frusterating! I hope it doesn't last much longer. At least you have stayed on plan sarya! Good for you! I don't seem to feel as horrible today so maybe the monster cravings are almost over.

Hi Nicole!!! I know exactly what you're going through! The first month on program I was just SOOO excited that the adrenalin of a "new start" kept me from feeling hungry. Each month thereafter has been a bit of a challange. BUT it can be done! And like Lisa said, space the meals closer together, have the allowed snacks and even an extra shake until you feel better.

Also, once I hit 45# off, I really started waivering in my confidence, kept playing with cheating and had a REALLY hard time getting back on track! Now that I'm back on track, I have hopefully learned my lesson about how terrible I feel when I am gaining weight back, both physically and emotionally!

You've still lost over 40 pounds!! Do not let a slip up take away that victory!!! Get back on program and work through those 1-4 days of cravings. You can do it :)
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Postby jump4joy » May 10th, 2006, 3:23 pm

I have the same problem....these past two months I've felt like I was hanging on for dear life during my PMS weeks! The only thing that has gotten me through has been to have my MF closer together, and yes, that extra shake has saved me...good advice from Lisa and Joyce. That time is coming up for me next week....and I really hope it won't be as severe. I've lost weight successfully on MF before (KEEPING it off is another story :roll: ), and I remember that my pre-menstral hunger evened out over time and wasn't a problem after about 3 I'm counting on that happening again. Hang tough...we can do this!

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Postby sheila » May 10th, 2006, 3:36 pm

Nicole, you have to hang in there! You are doing so well, you cant stop now. You should just space your meals closer together like Joyce and Lisa said. They seem to be very wise ladies, listen to them. I am sorry you are having such a hard time, though. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. You know you can pm me or call if you want to.
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Postby BoPeep1 » May 10th, 2006, 3:38 pm

I get the "hungries" tpp when TOM is coming. Those are the days when I eat the pickles, have the crackers, and have the thicker supplements like pudding and chili, maybe even a bar.

A couple weeks ago it was AWFUL for me, I ended up eating 2 veggie burgers instead of just one that night. I convinced myself it was legal because one veggie burger is only 2.5oz.
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Postby dede4wd » May 10th, 2006, 8:29 pm

Hi Nicole,
I was FINE my first TOM, then the second I was craving ANYTHING SALTY! I was WAY hungrier than usual, but I pushed through it. You can too! I KNOW you can stick with this, look how far you've come!

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Postby Nicole81 » May 10th, 2006, 9:06 pm

Thank you all for the encouragement!!! This is my first real medifast struggle. I LOVE medifast and I am not going to quit that is for sure! No Way Jose! I won't let myself. I have come this far and I am not going back especially because I still have over 50 pounds more to lose! THANKS GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL YOU'RE GRRRREAT! :bighug: :yourock:
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Postby mamabear » May 10th, 2006, 9:19 pm

Nicole, you have done really well so far, and I know you will continue to do so. I know sometimes it's not easy-but we have to remember why we are doing this. Think about how great you will look and feel when you get to goal and don't ever let that out of your mind-use it to keep you going. You CAN and you WILL do it, I have faith in you! :mrgreen:
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