Aaaaaaaarrggggh! Finally messed up!

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Aaaaaaaarrggggh! Finally messed up!

Postby kmr » October 25th, 2006, 6:37 am

I knew the day would come! I'm so upset with myself. And I'm upset because I feel I also let my fellow M.F. buddies down! I "freaked out" and binged! I don't know why I did it after all this time and progress I was making. I had a "Skippy" super chunk peanutbutter sandwich, extra M.F. bars and ranch soy crisps! I was so upset that later on I opened up a gift from a friend of white zinfandel and had a glass! I don't even drink alcohol hardly ever except maybe social functions once in a while. When I do drink alcohol it wipes out my appetite completely so I figured it might help me stop binging last night, which it did. Then I went to bed. I'm back on plan this morning, but I have to get through the ketosis part again. And those of you who know me know that is the toughest part for me. I also realized that I can't buy the bars any more because when I eat them, they taste so good that I crave more. So unfotunateley I won't be ordering them any more. Wish me luck going back into ketosis! I' know the scale will go up because of this so I didn't bother weighing myself. I just want to reach goal by Sring time. Thanks everyone for letting me vent! :cry: :oops:
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Postby QT2Lose45 » October 25th, 2006, 7:17 am

that's okay... at least you are back on track this morning....

Believe me I am SOOOOO borderline cheating right now! And its not that i don't see results or want to continue, but i swear every time i drive by the chinese resturant, the general Tso's chick w/ lo mein is screaming at me!!! :twisted: I won't even be hungry, but i hear it calling! Then i was in Publix yesterday and they had their freshly baked choco chip cookies (very, very good, might i add) on sale!!!! UUUGGHHHH! I even picked them up and looked at them... they sell 13 in a pack, and i seriously contemplated getting them, knowing that i would eat ALL 13 at once.... BUT somehow, and I don't know how, i resisted and made it through w/out cheating!

I am happy for you that you are back on track now! I'm sure every one slips up from time to time, and its good that you can hold yourself responsible by 'reporting it' on the forum!! Good for you!
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Postby VictoriousNat » October 25th, 2006, 7:52 am

I agree. Back on track...and the very next day!!! You go, Kendra! I am rooting for you!! WE are rooting for you!!
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Postby Amber » October 25th, 2006, 8:10 am

...back in the saddle again!!!
Breathe, all is well-

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Postby Denise » October 25th, 2006, 8:57 am

It's ok....At least part of your binge was on Medigrub! :D
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Postby VictoriousNat » October 25th, 2006, 9:02 am

Denise wrote:It's ok....At least part of your binge was on Medigrub! :D

very true
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » October 25th, 2006, 10:13 am

Hey Girl! :hugblue: Okay! You are doing great. You got right back on track in a heartbeat, and that's the key!

Now let's keep shakin'!!!! :coach: Go kmr go!!!!! :mrgreen:

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Postby casma500 » October 25th, 2006, 1:25 pm

You are amazing!! You got right back on track today! I would have felt guilty for days before getting back on -- i am SO proud of you! And just LOOK at your before pics -- you have come a long way babie!!!!

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Postby alohacate » October 25th, 2006, 1:34 pm

Glad to know you are human!! I could tell you stories about my week break from Medifast - but I'll spare you............ just getting back on track and not giving up is what is important!!!
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Postby Arklahoma » October 25th, 2006, 2:15 pm

You can do it!!!
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Postby Elke » October 25th, 2006, 7:37 pm

You already kow you can do this so there is nothing stopping you. You can do it!!!
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Postby Sojourner » October 25th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Silver Lining: now you know that the feelings of anger and disappointment you are experiencing are so not worth the temporary gratification you allowed. Live and learn, babe--that's what it's all about, right? Hopefully, the next time that the urge to indulge rears its ugly little head :twisted:, you'll remember how you're feeling right now and be able to smack it down.

Kudos on jumping right back onto the wagon!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby marge » October 25th, 2006, 9:16 pm

Shake it off and great admiration for getting back on track...I hate to quote but I will quote of her all time favorite quotes:

'now that you know better you will do better" I don't know if that helps but we are all here for you and each other. :bighug: :dooh: :dooh: :dooh:
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Postby kmr » October 26th, 2006, 4:20 am

Thanks everyone for your support! :hug: . Day 2 back on plan. Should be arriving back in "Ketosisville" by tomorrow! :goteam:
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Postby Allie » October 26th, 2006, 9:20 am

You are rocking it!! I am very proud of you for getting right back on. You will be in thinsville in no time.

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