Hi, KMR ~


You are two-thirds of the way through it and will soon be entering the hallowed halls of
Ketosisville, the wonderful place where flab burning occurs!
Oh, you're gonna make it all right. We have confidence in you.
Many people (including moi) have bar problems and there are times when I am feeling especially vulnerable and I put them away in an inconvenient place – so it takes effort to get them - I have to walk, open doors, and go out into the pantry to get them; it gives me time to ask myself why I am eating and if it is really necessary. I have saved myself from porking-out on bars that way.
We have a little glass cookie jar in our kitchen and I keep it filled with a variety of bars so that if we have company I can simply offer them a bar. I see them in there and for some people it might not be a good idea for you to do that but it works for me because I am conditioned to ask before I eat from the cookie jar! When I was a kid, my Momma kept the cookie jar filled with fresh-baked cookies. We could usually have them but we had to ask first. So when I see the bars in the jar, I mentally ask, “May I have a bar?” The Momma voice in me usually asks, “Is it time for your meal? Remember, we do not eat between meals.” That’s usually enough to send me scampering away.
I have some bars in the cargo net on my car door, we keep a couple upstairs in the family room and I have some in my office on a little ceramic tray but I also keep RTDs in my car and office. Primarily I use bars as a convenience food for me - when I am busy and don't have time to make a shake, oatmeal or a soup.
We try very hard to not have tempting grub in the house and yet I have sucked down plenty of stuff in the last couple of months to make my pants feel too snug! I hear (and feel) your pain!
The cool thing is this, we can have a do-over and your MakeMeThinner Friends are right here to encourage and cajole us along!
P.S. Sojourner…you are two thirds of the way to your goal!