5wks and no large weight lost

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5wks and no large weight lost

Postby Dimi » February 14th, 2006, 8:10 pm

Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and I'm so glad I have found it. :lol:
I'm in wk 5 of my Medifast plan and I'm so fustrated I could just scream :x. I'm 5'9 and I need to lose about 120 lbs. You would think by now that I would have lost a ton of weight, but I have not. My weight has gone from losing 5 lbs to gaining 7 then losing 10 lbs to gaining 5 lbs, I want to give up. I'm doing everything right, or least I think I am. I started to work out, but that caused me to gain weight, so I stopped and I started losing. I started back working out just 2 days a week and I gained again. What am I doing wrong. Has anybody experienced this or am I alone. :cry: This diet makes me feel wonderful :-P , and I don;t want to give it up. My clothes fit me so different and I'm losing inches, but no real weight loss. I want to see that number go Down. Help !!!:cry:
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 14th, 2006, 9:14 pm

Hi Dimi and welcome to the forum,

Give us an idea of your schedule and anything else you think may influence it.

Which plan?
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Not losing

Postby Jan » February 14th, 2006, 11:50 pm

Hmmm Dimi,
If your clothes are getting larger then the weight is going someplace. Do you have a tendency to retain fluid?? When people bounce up and down soooo much that sometimes is the culprit. Now for exercise -- if you exercise tooo hard and burn tooo many calories your body just won't part with the pounds. It's hanging on and going into the old starvation mode. Plus you could do some harm to your muscle mass. Neither thing is a good thing. I also always worry about those who have 120 pounds to lose and are "working out". It is my feeling -- I'm not a Dr. -- that your heart is working hard enough as it is. Unca has a wonderful idea to review your meal plan. Plus other things such as a lack of sleep, stress and meds can cause problems too. You will lose those pesky pounds if you stick to the program. We gain our weight a partial pound at a time (except that pesky fluid retention) and we part with it exactly the same way. Don't give up. You are feeling great and your clothes are getting bigger. :D Those are both big positives. You just may have a nice big surprise on the scale in not too long. :mrgreen: Please let Unca have the info and I'll be watching for you.
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Postby Serendipity » February 15th, 2006, 5:06 am

Hi dimi and welcome to the forum.

You could also call your health advisor to discuss your plan and get some tips. If you don't have a health advisor, I know a few "great ones' that hang out on this forum, hehe. :bow: (hint: See that 800 number above?)

Good luck to you. You have found the very bestest forum in the whole wide world!
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Postby BumbleBee » February 15th, 2006, 5:42 am

Hi Dimi,

It sounds like you are like me, retaining fluid. :x But don't fret the plan is actually working for your good. Try increasing your water intake. :water: I know you have heard that before but it does really work. Also, you may want to stay away from that nasty scale for a little while, I know its hard but it helps when you feel like giving up. :hide: Believe me, the weight is coming off. You may not see it on the scale right now but if your clothes are fitting better then you are definately loosing inches. And inches are a good thing. :yes: The pounds will eventually catch up and you will see a huge loss. Just hang in there and I promise you will be down 120lbs before you know it!! :partytime:
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 15th, 2006, 7:45 am

Hi Dimi! You got some great advice here! :) I also gained 2.5 pound when I started swimming again...probably beefing up the muscles...but I need to LOSE WEIGHT, so I'm taking it easy on the excercise until I've lost some more weight. Just some light walking and house work is good excercise too (especially in my house...the house of MANY MANY stairs!!! hehe). Answer Unca_Tim's email or talk to your health advisor like previously noted and they'll help you reach that goal! Hang in there :) and welcome to the board!!!! :)
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