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Postby mama of 2 » September 5th, 2005, 4:25 pm

I have that problem to.
My Mother-in-law makes home made jelly. It is so good with pb.
Once at work one of the guys asked me why I ate so many pb&j sandwiches. He said you make enough money for meat sandwiches. I told him I had lunch meat for my kids. I Just liked pb&j's.

Made my daughter one the first day I started mf. Almost licked the spoon. But I stopped myself.

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Postby Tk » September 5th, 2005, 8:19 pm

OOOOHHHH, YYYYUUUUMMMM....Peanut Butter, how I miss you, let me count the ways. ok I won't count the ways. I miss peanut butter...you know the sad thing is, It gives me heartburn, but I LOVE it anyways.....I really need to buy some Davinchi PB Sugar free syrup....
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Postby mytime » September 5th, 2005, 9:02 pm

Oh the irony - so my husband and I are driving home from the desert today with our two small children and they are asleep (I know that is great, but hang on) so we are talking which is rare given our schedules and he mentions to me that on the radio he heard that there is a special shop that makes different kinds of peanut butter and then starts listing the kinds (I will spare you). They sell it online or you can go to their shop and get a sandwich. Anyway, it is like 5 minutes from our home. He said that the Food Channel is coming to do a story on them and thus they are making there cinnamon swirl which I guess is a special one they usually only make on time per year. The radio station was giving away 2 pounds of it to a listener. And they have 600 people who have back ordered it in anticipation of the limited supply they will have with the Food Channels visit. I am buying a special spoon for when I am on maintenance and will be happy to give you the name of the store - BUT you must make goal first. I am happy to report that I will miss the story on Food Channel as none of this while I am on MF. And my husband has promissed to keep the peanut butter - should he win - at work. So I guess the good new is we are not the only ones with peanut butter on the brain - we just need to keep it off our tongues :D Mytime
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Postby Nancy » September 5th, 2005, 10:01 pm

MyTime ~

Loved your PB story and especially this part:

keep it off our tongues

Another roof topper remains PB-free!
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Postby armeewyf » September 7th, 2005, 1:18 pm

I want to comment on the PB issue...what is it about PB?

Before MF, I NEVER bought it, rarely ate it. Just not my favorite thing. At Vacation Bible school this summer, Kendra (2 1/2) had a PB sandwich. So what does she ask for? yep, PB. Do I now buy it? yep. Made the mistake of licking the knife one day...now, when I am hungry late at nite, what do I think about? RIGHT AGAIN...Peanut butter....

I think the comment about there being some additive thats addictive may be true!

I'm so glad to know that I am not alone...PB seems as addictive as diet coke!

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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 2:00 pm

Maybe we ought to buy stock in Jif and Skippy's Super Chunk, eh?

Super Chunk makes ya chunky, not hunky!
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 7th, 2005, 2:34 pm

I know what you are talking about. I got so tired of it calling my name that I asked my son if it would be okay if we didn't have it around for a while. His response was "I'm getting kinda tired of PB anyway and I like just jelly sandwiches too"... GOOD BOY!
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Postby MomsTherapy » September 7th, 2005, 3:40 pm

NATURAL PB is actually a great snack for your kids paired with whole wheat bread or apples or celery. The NATURAL has less sugar and a nice chunk of protein and GOOD fats for our kids. But during the MF plan any extras like that are bad news, Im just saying that PB is actually a great source and powerfood for our youngin's (the Natural kind, not JIF and other sugar loaded ones) Okay, Im done. :) And Im not licking a spoon right now or anything....promise.
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 7th, 2005, 3:51 pm

LOL, yes, I grew up on natural peanut butter. Unfortunitely, my kids hate it. My son is a big label reader and decided himself, with his mature 8 year old brain, that he would rather get his protein from cheese sticks and milk instead of peanut butter because he says "It has too much fat in it mommy"... omg, who raised this kid??? I don't ever remember telling him about fat because he is actually underweight. I told him some fats are good and some are bad blah blah blah.. I'm not gonna argue with him as long as he is getting enough protein, which he is. Peanut butter will be in our home in about another 18 months or so... We are taking a short break, but I do agree that it is actually good for you in moderation.
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Postby MomsTherapy » September 8th, 2005, 6:00 am

Hey, that is awesome! I keep trying to show my 8 yr old labels but she keeps doing the "roll eye" thing with her slim self and says "yeah, yeah.... eat HEEEAAALLLTTHHHYYY Mom, I get it" Does anyone have a bar of soap?
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