3rd Week Over and OPRAH yesterday!

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Postby Jan » July 28th, 2006, 8:47 am

Hi Marie,
When I went on program last year with my gooood friend Nancy watching over me (literally -- we live close to each other) I decided I would not get on the scale until the first 3 weeks were over. Of course it drove Nancy crazy :? as she really wanted to know how much I had lost. But, knowing myself I wanted to see a substantial loss before I climbed on the "nasty" machine. I knew if I had been really really compliant and saw only a one or two pound loss -- I'd want to throw the scale right through the window. My hubby would really object to that :D since he'd have to fix it!!! The kids at Starbucks -- our favorite haunt -- were starting to call me "Mrs Baggy pants" before I climbed on. Finally the day arrived and there it was 15 pounds gone forever. I could really Whoo Hoo about that. Now I don't weigh too often as my weight is very very sensitive to fluid retention. We each figure out what works best for us. If we are easily discouraged by the number on the scale -- then stay off it -- and weigh only every other week or so....unless you are on maintenance.. then we weight evey week to make certain we're not "off and running".
I'll be watching for you
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