I love Shana's idea about looking up food composition data. My mother and my sister both passed away from complications of Diabetes and End Stage Renal Disease. They both had to be on the renal diet for almost five years. I don't know if any of you are aware, but the renal diet is the most difficult diet to have to adhere to, at least from a medical standpoint. The limitations are so strict that the list of "haves" is about one page and the list of "have not's" is about a full textbook
(In fact, it makes this diet look like a cakewalk). I spent years consulting with RD's (registered dieticians) and MD's fine-tuning their diets to the tee and they did very well until their disease overtook them. In fact, many of these healthcare professionals were so impressed with my knowledge that they recommended that I become a dietician and work with renal patients. This experience, my nursing education, and my current nursing experience
(taking care of post-open heart surgery patients that have had heart attacks and bypass procedures) has led me to where I am today and I feel very strongly about people knowing what's in the food they eat. If you choose to eat it then that's your business but at least be informed about what's going into your body.
Shana ... You Rock!!!
deszignerchick ... I agree with what everyone else has said. Try to break up your goal into smaller chunks and focus on the positive experience that you've already had. Obviously, I want to be thin and attractive but my main impetus for this weight loss journey is to be healthy and not follow in the footsteps of my family
(my father died from a massive heart attack that took his life in about five seconds, right in front of my sick mother). Every single day, I focus on being the healthiest that I can be and if weight loss occurs then so be it. You can do this and we're right here with you. Post to the boards often for moral support b/c we really want to help you.