2nd week, concerned about lack of loss...

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2nd week, concerned about lack of loss...

Postby smiller » August 26th, 2005, 5:27 am

Quick question - I'm in my second week on MF, week 1 I was down 10.6 #'s, yeah right? Well, I'm 3 days into week 2 and not an ounce is shed, this morning I was even up like 2 #'s. I'm following everything, to a "t". I'm trying not to get discouraged, I know it's early but what's up? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 26th, 2005, 6:11 am

Don't be discouraged. The same thing is going on with me. You may be eating too little or your body is "pausing" until it figures out it's ok to continue on losing. Talk to your health advisor and go over the calorie intake and amount of activity you are doing physically. Your health advisory will know which direction to go, if any.

Good luck. One thing I finally accepted was that weight loss takes time, nothing is a quick fix and patience is one of the key ingredients for success.
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 26th, 2005, 9:21 am

Hi Sheila,
If you'd like to post your schedule and plan here, maybe we can see something that may be slowing you down a little.

meal time

Anything else you might think could be slowing you down.
I know it's a little frustrating, but hang in there.
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Postby Guest » August 26th, 2005, 11:55 am

I'm on my 3rd week now. The first week was wonderful, with a 6.5 lbs loss. Week 2 saw a loss of 3lbs and now week 3, it seems I'm struggling to get a single pound to go away. I think it is normal though. This is something new and drastically different for our bodies to get used to. If I were to go outside and run a sprint, I would have to stop and catch my breath and walk around a little before I could start running again. I think my body is doing the same thing - taking a breather and getting used to the idea of this weight loss thing. I'm sure my body is even more stubborn than I am, so I'm pretty sure it is putting up quite a resistance right now, too.

I try to not get discouraged. I know this plan WILL work as long as I stick with it. This program has proven results. It is easy to do and yet we still have to work for it. So, let's both hang in there and watch the pounds keep melting off.
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Postby Jan » August 26th, 2005, 5:53 pm

Hi Sheila.
This happens. Your body has already parted with over ten pounds. That's a good loss. Now, your body is just reajusting. This often times happens somewhere around the 3rd week or so. You will start losing again. Just stay compliant with the program. I also always advise people to stay away from the scale. You will lose, but many get discouraged when the scale doesn't respond as fast as we'd like. Sometimes we give up. Hang in there -- your body will start parting with the pounds again.
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Postby sprgrammy » August 26th, 2005, 6:18 pm

Hi Shiela, This happened to me in my 3rd week. Not a single pound lost. But I did lose inches. And then my fourth week I lost 4#. So don't be discouraged it is just a body adjusting thingy. Blessings, Carol
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Postby aimalasplace » August 27th, 2005, 7:10 am

I am sorry to say this but I am so glad that this is happening to other ppl. :roll: I was getting so discouraged. I have only lost 6 lbs in the first week nothing since tuesday :question: I have been getting hungry. I am wondering if I am in starvation mode. I have been following MF completely. But I kinda blew it yesterday- I had some skin from my chicken- I bought a big bag of what I thought was skinless/boneless and it was split breats. :x Then I had some macaroni and cheese (easymac) which I really did not even enjoy! WHen I woke up this morning I had alot more energy but now I feel bad because I probably ruined my ketosis. :bricks: But I am back on today. I will live and learn through all this and I am still waiting for my Linda Spangle book Life is Hard, Food is easy.
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 27th, 2005, 7:25 am

Just keep on shakin AImee. The only thing you can do now is go forward and never look back at your mistakes. YOu will learn as I have that it's not worth 4 days to get back into fat burning. Remember what I said to you on the phone about calling your health advisor? This would be a good time. YOu may very well not be getting enough calories daily. Your health advisor will help you. It was nice talking to you on the phone. Keep up the good work and good attitude, YOU CAN DO THIS!
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Postby martha » August 27th, 2005, 8:20 am


Keep your chin up friend..It happens to us all at times.. You will be okay and just chalk it up as a learning experience that comes to us all when we first start a program like MF.. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! and we are here to help in anyway you need us too :mrgreen: . I for one will help anytime day or night as well as everyone else I have met on this forum..The greatest bunch of Friends I have ever had..Just keep us informed and ask as many questions as you need to.. Someone will get back with you and they really help keep us all motivated..Martha
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Postby smiller » August 29th, 2005, 5:41 am

6:00 cappacino
9:00 oatmeal
1:00 soup/crackers
3:30 shake
6:30 lean and green
8:00 bar
9:30 shake

(something like this anyway, give or take 1/2 hour here and there) It is also "tom" for me. Thanks again for any input.
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Postby Carbshateme » August 29th, 2005, 5:46 am

"It is also "tom" for me. "

I think you said the magic words, girl. TTOM always makes me retain water and I can't really "lose" anything until Mr. Monthly is almost over. I'm sure once you're done those pounds will be vanishing like usual! Keep on keepin' on, you're doing fantastic!

Oh, and I am NOT 100% positive, but shouldn't at least 3 of your meals be the shakes?
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Postby smiller » August 29th, 2005, 7:15 am

I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere that they changed the "3 shakes a day" thing, you can mix and match any supplement, with the exception of 1 bar a day. I'm hoping next week will be better. I just figured even with ttom, i would still have lost something. Thanks again for the input.
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 29th, 2005, 7:45 am

Hi Sheila,
Your schedule looks great.

You can have any combination of the meal replacements now. They do still recommend having 3 shakes, because of it's heart healthy soy benefit, but it's not mandatory like it used to be.

Are you getting all your water Sheila?
Any changes or additions in Meds?
Any excess stress lately?

Good chance it is your "tom" affecting you right now.

You know from the forum that temporary plateaus can happen, and you also know that these pass and you'll be back on track soon.

Don't get discouraged. You're probably losing inches, and your health is improving every day you stick to the plan. It's great when the scale shows a movement, but I think the many other benefits are more important than the weight loss. You just can't see them.
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Postby smiller » August 29th, 2005, 7:50 am

Thanks for the response Unca - yes, I'm getting my water, no meds and just the usual stress of living (ha). How often do yall recommend weighing, just out of curiousity? Thanks again.
Keep looking up, blessings on you, Sheila M.
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 29th, 2005, 7:58 am

smiller wrote:How often do yall recommend weighing, just out of curiousity?

I recommend whatever you're comfortable with. Some people have to weigh hourly and can handle the stress of minor fluxuations. Other weigh monthly so they don't have to watch the daily ups and downs.

Whatever you're comfortable with...:)
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