2nd Day, thought I'd introduce myself

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2nd Day, thought I'd introduce myself

Postby Lauren » November 11th, 2005, 2:57 pm

Hi, everyone -

It's my 2nd day on MF, and things seem to be going well. I am a newbie, first time on it, but certainly not new to dieting. I have exhausted most options, including two stays at Duke DFC (anyone know that program?).

I am 30 yrs old, live in Manhattan, and have pretty active social and business life that always seems to be centered around restaurants. My whole group of friends are "foodies," we are always seeking out the new great NY finds, so I imagine the biggest challenge will be continuing to enjoy myself out there - I am the only one with a weight problem - surrounded by skinny friends and clients! Skipping fun meals, AND the wine, may be a bit more than this New Yorker can handle!

I thought I'd ask if anyone found tricks for dining out that are actually managable - not asking for a bowl of water!

Thanks, folks, and I appreciate everyone's energy in this forum - not normally my style, but hey, my style obviously hasn't been working, so it's time to mix it up!

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Postby Michelle1210 » November 11th, 2005, 4:10 pm

hi Lauren,
hmmm tips well you could call the resturant in advance and ask then what they serve if they could grill and steam vegtables for your lean and green meal, I personally love to cook and i too love to find new eaterys too,
drink lots of water, you'll do find just dont get plate envy ;) lol come back here nad post post post, it helps me to stay on track
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In the same boat!

Postby JCatz » November 11th, 2005, 4:12 pm

Hi Lauren!

I'm actually new to MF too (it's my 3rd day). Your story is so similar to mine that I had to write. I too have friends, and a boyfriend, that are always eating and drinking in addition to having to entertain clients often. Since I started my job I've gained 40 lbs and because of it I'm now having health problems.

Anyway, I used to be on a similar web based diet (now out of business) on which I learned a few tricks that might help you... first I let everyone know that I'm on a diet and I usually tell them it's for health reasons. I've found if you don't tell people that it relates to your health, they try to deter you into eating or drinking something you shouldn't... "oh, just try this, a bite won't hurt you"... yeah right! :shock: I still have to eat out often and many others on the board have offered suggestions for eating out which have helped me. Just do a search for eating out for suggestions. As for the drinking :toast:, I've found that drinking club soda or seltzer with a slice of lemon or lime makes you feel like your joining in the party and others don't necessarily know your not drinking with them (or they don't think aobut it anyway).

I hope some of these suggestions have helped a little and just know that there are others in the same situation so let's keep in touch and share our findings and sucesses!

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Postby Lauren » November 11th, 2005, 4:22 pm

Thanks, Jacqui and Michelle, for your replies, I will certainly use the tips for help.

Wishing you both lots of luck as well!
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Postby mytime » November 12th, 2005, 12:37 am

Lauren - WELCOME - I too have tried it all, like any addict have tons of using friends and NEVER had even written on any kind of site ever before this. But it helps BIG TIME. I actually love eating out on MF - we live near downtown San Diego and love to walk to resturants so I am there with you on the eating out. While I am not a fish person per say it is one of the things I cook less well and relatively low in calories so lately I have been embracing my inner seafood lover. I usually ask for some kind of protein and then ask them to replace the potato, rice etc with extra vegetables. I was concerned about this at first but no one has ever even blinked when I have asked. I have to remind myself that I am not the only one in the world asking for something a little different. I even now bring my own dressing for salad and if anything the wait staff is thrilled and very interested in what I am doing. As for the folks I am usually with they are usually so involved with their order that unless I make a big deal out of it they barely notice. I think it comes off as being selective and people tend to think that is cool - maybe a West Coast thing ? Anyway you are going to do GREAT !!! Best of luck with it and keep us posted !!! Mytime
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Postby MamaD » November 13th, 2005, 6:21 am

Welcome to the boards Lauren.

I know what you mean about foodie friends. I have found that my eating is more of a social event then anything else.

I just dropped my daughter off in Manhatten to go to school and the one of the many things I love about the city is you can get what ever you want to eat, cooked however YOU want it. My daughter is all about lean and greens so she is very specific when ordering and 9 1/2 times out of 10 it came to her exactly how she ordered it.

Do you entertain clients more than once aday??? That can always be your Lean and green meal and I dare say no one will know the difference. The wine is hard to kick...I have just started doing the club soda thing and telling people that the wine has starting giving me headaches....I realize that sometimes this is a little white lie....(or a big fat black one) however this is like the game of Survivor you gotta do what ya gotta do to stay on program. Period. My daughter loves to go to lunch and I have had to stop that and it has about killed me. I go with her...annnounce that I am not hungry...order Iced tea and then suggest that we go to the mall to spend time together.

Another Manhatten advantage is you can walk almost anywhere. My daughter gets more exercise now, then she did living here and going to the gym 5 times a week.

So, move your lean and green around...keep a big bottle of water in your bag at all times and you will be fine....and remember you really don't have to explain to people what you are doing...I am doing this for my family so that I am here a long time and that is all I need to know.

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Postby betz » November 13th, 2005, 7:42 am

A quick suggestion-- many restaurants now post their menus online. I often check ahead of time what's available so I can plan my meal before I go.

I know it sounds a little like taking the fun out of it..but for me it works. I look at the menu...see that...(for example) the grilled salmon will be perfect. Then, all that day I think how nice it will be to get out for dinner, have someone ELSE cook for me, enjoy some conversation and nice atmosphere....

and STILL not break my medifast stride.

I end up enjoying the whole day and get to strut a bit on my way out the door. :)

A couple practical tips:

If others are enjoying bread--push that basket away from you. Far away.

Opt for double steamed vegetables over the rice/potato/starch portion of the meal.

Don't skip the water when you go out!

If you order a salad--remind them to not add croutons. Dressing on the side and use it sparingly.
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Postby Lauren » November 14th, 2005, 9:36 am

Thanks so much, guys, for your support and helpful tips! I don't feel like I have to lie about the alcohol or anything, I have a pretty brazen NY personality, i.e. I say anything to anyone. (That's both a good and bad thing!) I just want to make sure I can keep the diet fun, you know?

Anyway, today is my fifth day, and I feel great today! This is the first day I feel really good, happy, energetic, albeit slightly lightheaded so I just had a cup of bouillon. Saturday night I had a wedding - the whole day I looked forward to my lean and green at dinner, I knew they'd have a salad and a fish. I held out during the cocktail hour, didn't eat anything, not even the shrimp (yum). The salad came, it was fine, but not filling, just fancy lettuce. I asked for the fish dry dry dry. It came - without the sauce, but the chef felt inclined to still put some kind of glaze on it, and it tasted buttery. I took a couple small bites, and then said out loud to anyone listening that I refuse to fast for two days and then ruin it on a damn piece of fish! :-) So, I ate my snack crackers and the MF bar that I remembered to bring - in case of emergency.

Anyway, it was harder then, it was just the 3rd day, so I was still dealing with hunger. But today I feel fantastic, and hope that this "elation" isn't temporary!

I have never been a forum type girl, but thanks for all of your reading/responding etc, it feels good to have others in the same boat.

Ciao for now!

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Postby chickbb » November 14th, 2005, 9:57 am

WAY TO GO Lauren :cheermed: You were amazing!!!!! You will see the benefits on your scale this week !!!! You are on your way......you made it through one of the toughest TESTS and came out on TOP !!!!! :yourock: Sara
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Postby betz » November 14th, 2005, 10:09 am

Wow you sure did great at that wedding, Lauren!

It really does get easier and better. For me, the feeling of elation and just general good health...came and STAYED.

I think it's the soy protein. I've never felt better.

Keep up the good work. :)
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