Hello Everyone! I am back, I have been MIA for a bit. With everything going on around here I didn't have time to keep up with anything. But I am back thank goodness. I really missed all of you on the board and missed reading the posts. Congrats to all who have lost and maintained!

I have had a bumpy road but have not gained and have not lost, My DH is still doing Very well. I am proud of him. I am back on track and so far today I have been staying with my MF! I also plan on keepin busy so that I can NOT cheat. I have all the Bad Snacks out of the house thank goodness and this will help me. I even had my DH hide my Bars and soy snacks so I don't have them today as I don't want to go overboard on them. Ihave really been enjoying the peach oatmeal so I will have that if I really need something extra.
My Oldest Daughter and I have been planning a Surprise 18th Birthday party for my Youngest Daughter, We will have it on Saturday. This will be hard for me but I think I will do fine as I will have my DH here with me to help me along.

I just can't get over my babies are growing up.

I am happy but sad at the same time. If that makes any sense. LOL! Well I best get moving here, I will be back on in a bit. This board really helps!
Shake away Everyone!