Ok mf BUDDIES! I just finished my MF shake........And it was almost frozen.......MMMNNNN It was VERY good that way. It was one of my RTD shakes, Man it tasted BETTER then just having it cold. Think I will have all of my RTD shakes like that. Especially now that we are having 100 degree weather out here in AZ! I am trying to finish the last of my water for the day before heading to bed, I know I will be up peeing like crazy but that's OK. I hope tomarrow will be as good as today was for me. I am so happy I stuck with the program today, One day at a time is what I have to do. I want so much to loose something before my DD graduates on the 24th.

I would Love to wear a pair of my smaller sized Levis.

That is my goal anyways. If it happens great if not I will just have to keep trying for it.

My DH and I will be leaving in the ol Motor home on the 25th for Silver City New Mexico for the weekend to see a blues festival, We have never been to one before but a Customer of ours invited us to go so Off we go.

Anything to hope in the ol coach to get away even if it's only 4 days. I will take it. LOL! I really like this Customer too, Very nice! This is the same customer that we went to country thunder with. I know we will have a blast.

Well My DD called and is on her way home from work (Yes I still have my 20 yr old Baby call me to let me know she is on her way home) So now I can go to semi-sleep until I hear her walk in the house.
Oh Her Doctors apt. went Ok, she had to do a glucose test and drink this nasty stuff and an hour later they stuck her finger to see how high her sugar was, well it was 148 instead of 135 so now she has to do a 3 hour test next week. (Funny thing is they didn't tell her she would have this test done today and she ate before the apt. SO this is probably why it was high, you are supose to fast before the test, Nurse didn't care that she ate and did it anyways. UGH!) Her next apt. is on the 30th to hear baby's heatbeat!
Talk to you all in the morning. Goodnight.