2getskinny wrote:Good Morning to All!I am still Not smoking & have Not thought about it. YEHAW! I am just so happy with how this has worked for me.
Lastnight I was laying in bed thinking how well this has worked for me that I also said to myself.........."If you can quit smoking after 18 yrs and NOT cave in after just a few days, then Why can't you do MF and stick to the plan?" SO I am back on MF as of this morning, I had my Oatmeal and water, I will keep on track today and NO cheating. I did this for smoking & I will do this for my weight! I can and I will!
2getskinny wrote:Thanks Ladies! Today was very hard for me, I did break down and cry twice in my office before DH got home. Don't know why, I just broke down, Just emotional I guess. Just finished my TOM and all to so it might be that also. Who knows. But today was OK. I stayed on plan but I still need to drink a bit more water before bed. I am feeling very tired & drained. I think I will go to bed early and hope to have a good day tomarrow. Thanks for all the support ladies. It sure does help me!
Biki you are doing so Well! I hope to one day be able to do as well as you are. Keep up the good work you are doing. You should be so proud of yourself!
bikipatra wrote:Ask Joleen, I think she's like Santa and has all my petty crimes marked in a book somewhere.
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