Okay...a little bit about ME...
Well, I am 31 years old...mom to 'two' wonderful kids (1 year old and a 4 year old)....wife to 'one' husband

I never thought about "weight" till after I had my first kid....not because I was/wasn't at a healthy weight...but because I never gave it much attention! After my first kid, I retained about 30 pounds more and started having trouble catching up with my kid and fitting into any of my old clothes...that's when it hit me...you know...thoughts about weight....I made some changes to diet (basically portion control) and slowly lost some of that weight....mean while I got pregnant with my second one and put on a ton of weight and am now struggling to loose it!

I am a working mom and after work, my kids keep me super busy...so, it's hard to spend time thinking and analyzing what I should/shouldn't be eating ... so, medifast seemed to be good where it eliminated thinking on my part ...YAY!

If I reach my goal weight as planned, then I will make lot of people in my life happy....my husband....my parents....my in-laws....my brother...my cousins....and mostly myself. They are all worried about my weight, as being overweight is the first step leading to all sorts of health issues....and I do want to be a healthy gran-ma for my grandkids and help my children raise their kids the way my parents are helping me!...oh...and yeah....I want to weigh less than my hubby

Day 1
Let's see.....today I want to go with the following menu:
8:00 am -- oatmeal check
32 Oz water check
10:30 am -- shake check
32 Oz water check
1:00 pm -- pudding check
32 Oz water check
4:00 pm -- shake check
6:30 -- L & G check
8 Oz water check
8:30 pm -- pudding check
So far so good with my schedule!
First day went well...except that I had some cashew nuts which I later realized were not in the "OKAY" list! Oh..well! I will be careful next time!
But the good part is....I did it! No headaches....no feeling nauseous! Yay!