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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 15th, 2006, 5:46 pm

How are you doing? Feeling any better since this morning? Just thought I would give a shout-out and check on ya.

Hang in there!


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Postby 2BHealthy » February 16th, 2006, 8:14 am

Aww thanks Gina ((hugs)) I have to admit that by last night I was thinking "How the heck am I going to do this for months on end" :roll: I tried to cut that thinking off right away. Those thoughts creep in on me a lot especially if I'm not losing as fast as I think I should. I'll have to watch for it later on I'm sure.
I thought the cocoa and bananna pudding were good. I had a diabetic bar which wasn't too bad either (I'm not diabetic it was in my sample pack) I just feel like I'm drinking so much and not EATING. It will just take some getting used to I guess... Today has already been easier so far. How are you doing?
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 16th, 2006, 8:48 am

Hi Linda. You have a GREAT attitude and you took those negative thoughts and kicked them to the curb! Good for you!!! You're right, this plan does take getting used to, but the good news is, you DO get used to it and grow to love it :) I just know you will have great success :)
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I am glad to hear your hanging in there...

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 16th, 2006, 9:01 am

I too, will have to watch thinking ahead...try not to do that. ONE day at a itime is doable ...we're in the babysteps stage right now and before you know it we will be taking leaps and bounds toward our goals.

I would be fine if I didn't have this stupid bronchitis..I am coughing like crazy and the vicks cough syrup makes me feel so dizzy.

Also, I started drinking more water yesterday to get a headstart...and I have turned into..."the incredible peeing machine" lol For real tho, like three times through the night and about 5 times today so far. Hubby keeps asking are you allright? I basically am..unless he doesn't stop asking me! :x :roll: He has been off work for two weeks cause of gallbladder surgery and somehow he conned his doc into two more weeks off..I told him he is probably gonna wish he WAS at work..lol ;)

I had a banana shake this morning I liked it a lot am having the cappucino now cause I am freezing.

Does anyone know what the limit on the Sugarfree Jello is? I made some raspberry flavored yesterday in prep and it's smelling mighty fine. :-P

I can honestly say thus far I am not hungry(which is a nice surprise)and I am feeling a lot better now that I have actually started..building up to today I was feeling pretty anxious.

Wre can do this! I don't expect to be skinny...but being able to bend over and tie my shoes without feeling like my head is gonna pop off my body...will be nice! :lol:


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Postby falisamarie » February 16th, 2006, 9:27 am


Just a quick note...Did you pick up the sugar free cough syrup? The regular ones are usually loaded with sugar so you may want to take a quick peek at the label to be sure. If it is regular cough syrup it could affect you getting into a state of ketosis which is the optimal goal.

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Thanks Lisa

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 16th, 2006, 10:30 am

I never even thought about sugar or alcohol content. Yike! Hubby is picking up some sugarfree/alcohol free cough syrup for me as we "speak".
Thanks so much!


Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
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Postby 2BHealthy » February 16th, 2006, 10:51 am

Thanks Joyce, I think my "good attitude" depends on when you ask me. :lol: Right now I'm feeling kind of grumpy. Chili and Minestrone. :tongue: YUCK. I'm just hoping I don't have to live off of oatmeal and pudding!

I hope you feel better soon! I think it's just one serving of jello but I could be wrong. So you liked the banana shake? Anything else you have tried and liked?
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Postby Serendipity » February 16th, 2006, 12:04 pm

2BHealthy wrote:"How the heck am I going to do this for months on end"

I too had and still have quite a bit to lose. One thing I have found that helps is to set little goals for myself. Right now my goal is to make it to onederland (<200 lbs) I have only 19 pounds to go to get there! I really try not to think about the other 65 after that. When I get there, my next goal will be to make it to the 100 lbs. lost mark. It's a little easier to wrap my mind around that than thinking about the whole picture.

Another thing you may find while losing is that each day you will notice changes in your body. It is so much fun and so motivating to suddenly notice those changes. Gina's example of the shoe tying made me chuckle. I was there, too. Little things like being able to reach around your wrist, fitting into smaller sizes, seeing glancing at your face in the mirror and being surprised at what you see, having rings fit that have been sitting in the jewelry box for years.....all of those things make this long road very fun and yes, easy to travel.

Good luck to you....and make sure you stop to smell the roses on the way down.
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 16th, 2006, 12:49 pm

Well Linda,

So far I have had:
    8am-Banana shake Yummy, can't wait to try it in the blender with ice.
    I would recommend this if you a banana fan!
    I will order this again.

    11am-Cappucino..for me to really enjoy this I am gonna need to dr(it was alittle sickly sweet for me) but still drinkable.
    probably will order this again.

    12:30ish-*slipped a 1/2 cup sugarfree jello in here as snack

    2:30-chicken noodle soup..This was a pretty good, a little chewy, I need to play around with the prep. I did add pepper, and a 1/2 boullion cube. It was satisfying. I will order this again.

    5:00ishThe next meal I have will be the lean and green
    - 7oz.Grilled talapia with lemon pepper
    -1 1/2 c sauteed zuchinni and summer squash julienne style.(cooked with light cooking spray)
    If something I type up here is not allowed someone please chastise me and set me straight.

    Will have a mf bar probably around 7:30and either mf choc pudding or Banana around 10

I have had approx. 40 oz water and I am floating away...I am sure it will take several days for we newbies to adjust our schedules and fine-tune how we prepare the meals to our liking andsuch.

Will let you know what else I try along the way that I like..or don't and maybe you can share with me what you like, don't like, fixer-uppers..lol etc :-P


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Postby Marseilles » February 16th, 2006, 1:55 pm

Hey Gina :) Im glad to hear your first day is going well. Your schedule looks just fine to me. I too have trouble with the cappucino, it isnt my favorite anymore. I did really enjoy it when mixed with black coffee as opposed to water though. I would make a paste with just as much cold water as required and then add hot black coffee slowly while briskly stirring. Much less sweet that way. Im so glad to hear about the banana pudding, I just ordered some today. I also ordered some banana shakes. Cant wait to try them!

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Postby 2BHealthy » February 16th, 2006, 3:30 pm

Mixing the coffee and cappacino together sounds good. I did that with the hot cocoa and really liked it. The apple cinn oatmeal was pretty good, It was nice to feel like I was eating something. I'm trying my first shake tonight. I am reallylimited on what I can have because I just have my small sample pack still and am waiting for my 5wk package. The banana shake sounds good. I do like the banana pudding and am looking forward to trying the chocolate. I really had a hard time with the smell of the minestrone and the chili. I guess it's the cooked soy smell I don't like??? Anyone else deal with this in some creative way? I just bought some tilapia tonight and will have it tomorrow for dinner. yum :-) Maybe I'll try your stirfry veggies. I had my lean and green at 3:00 because I came home early to get things done before I have to run to the school for my sons concert. I had grilled chicken and green beans. I'm planning to have a bar around 6pm and a shake tonight. I have to test out my magic bullet blender :D

See ya!
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Postby falisamarie » February 16th, 2006, 3:39 pm

Linda Check out the Lean Cuisine forum for some ideas with the chili and minestrone soup. Doctored up they are two of my favorites :bib:

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