I too, will have to watch thinking ahead...try not to do that. ONE day at a itime is doable ...we're in the babysteps stage right now and before you know it we will be taking leaps and bounds toward our goals.
I would be fine if I didn't have this stupid bronchitis..I am coughing like crazy and the vicks cough syrup makes me feel so dizzy.
Also, I started drinking more water yesterday to get a headstart...and I have turned into..."the incredible peeing machine" lol For real tho, like three times through the night and about 5 times today so far. Hubby keeps asking are you allright? I basically am..unless he doesn't stop asking me!

He has been off work for two weeks cause of gallbladder surgery and somehow he conned his doc into two more weeks off..I told him he is probably gonna wish he WAS at work..lol
I had a banana shake this morning I liked it a lot am having the cappucino now cause I am freezing.
Does anyone know what the limit on the Sugarfree Jello is? I made some raspberry flavored yesterday in prep and it's smelling mighty fine.
I can honestly say thus far I am not hungry(which is a nice surprise)and I am feeling a lot better now that I have actually started..building up to today I was feeling pretty anxious.
Wre can do this! I don't expect to be skinny...but being able to bend over and tie my shoes without feeling like my head is gonna pop off my body...will be nice!

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.