Well, I am almost to the first month of being on MF. I LOVE it. I will be another one who is making extra space in the kitchen for the product. Today is my 22nd day. People at work are noticing but they don't look happy when telling me.

I have lost another couple of pounds.

So on this 22nd day I have lost a grand total of 14 lbs. I will be leaving next week for NYC to go on the Good Morning America show and I intend on staying with my new way of eating. If we get the cruise I know my husband will want to eat constantly but I can't. I know if I eat anything off this diet I am going to get literally sick. After having a spoon of chocolate ice cream a couple of weeks ago and getting sick to the stomach, I know I can't eat that stuff no more! So, I plan on doing alot of activities instead of eating.

Same in NYC. This will be the cheapest vacation ever because I won't be eating the food! Anyway, My husband has been a huge support and told the children last night to get their skinny Mommy up and go to bed!

Makes me wanna dance! Until I get back....