1st week weigh in.......

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1st week weigh in.......

Postby cindy1958 » January 11th, 2006, 4:47 pm

Hello all!
Just wanted to let you all know I weighed today and guess what!...........Are ya'll ready....okay, okay, I lost 14 pounds!!!! I know it's water weight BUT it's still 14 pounds lost! I feel so good about this. I can't wait to get on with the next few weeks. I've been on the "complete" plan....no food. But, I would like to try some boullion tonight, do ya'll think that would be okay? Let me know. I'll wait to hear from ya'll before I have the boullion......Thanks so much for all the kind words of encouragement and support. Cindy
<img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/d/3;0;0;0;0/c/-14/t/-70/k/7805/weight.png">
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14 pounds lost

Postby Jan » January 11th, 2006, 4:52 pm

WOW Cindy,
Fourteen pounds lost!!!! You are doing great! And, remember not alll of that is water weight -- you've lost a bunch of fat toooo!! As for the bouillon --sure go ahead and have a cup. It is nice and warm and feels great in the stomach. I'll keep an eye out for you.
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Postby lameteorologa » January 11th, 2006, 5:01 pm

That's awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
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Postby Lauren » January 11th, 2006, 5:11 pm

Excellent job, Cindy, isn't it amazing?!!?
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Postby dlr2424 » January 11th, 2006, 5:23 pm

...........the bananaman is everso happy for you............. :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: ..........keep shaking it up


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Postby big ron » January 11th, 2006, 5:40 pm

Cindy great job!!! :whoohoo: :bighug: what a great way to start. :burnout: Think about how proud you are and motivated, if and when you plateau think of today and stay on track. The program works Ron
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Postby Guest » January 11th, 2006, 8:07 pm

WOW... 14 POUNDS!!


Your off to a really great start. Keep it going!

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Postby falisamarie » January 11th, 2006, 8:09 pm

WOW 14 pounds I hope I lose half that my first week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up the great work

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