Hi there.
I know I haven't been around as much lately. I apologize. I've been so rude as to ignore a caring and concerned PM from someone I respect a lot on this forum, and I'm late on completing my part of a trade.
I'm having a thoroughly awful life at the moment, as I've stated elsewhere. I'd prefer not to post the details of it; some of you with whom I've exchanged a PM or a post may have some idea. There's more to it than that, much more, but that's all I have a right to share right now. I do tell you that the friendship and prayers and concern are much appreciated, more than you know.
Among other things, I'm not working right now. It's both a relief, and guilt-inducing. I just need some time off, to rest, recuperate, heal, whatever. I'm enjoying being home with my mostly-grown kids and the extra (21, 20, 17 and 15), and organizing the kitchen, painting the living room, sewing, stuff like that. I'm terribly stressed, and bordering on situational depression, which I am fighting. Been here, done this, and I will stand. It might just take a while.
I haven't checked in at roll call in awhile, although I am on the scale every other day. I'm holding right at 179, with occasional forays to 178 or 181.
I'm not MFing to lose weight at the moment. I've decided that my goal for the next two and a half months is to maintain my weight loss, and to keep my weight at 185 or lower until the New Year. At the New Year, I will make a resolution to take off the remaining weight, and I'll figure out what that should be. When I started this I called it at 165. That still seems like a good goal, although I'm told that I look just fine the way I am. I've wondered about even shooting for a bit lower, say 155 or 160, but I'll worry that next year.
I am MFing to maintain, though. I'm still having my MF oatmeal for breakfast, and a bar for "lunch," and I'm having several small, healthy meals several times a day. When I eat non-MF foods, my portions are definitely smaller, and I'm not eating except when I'm hungry now, which is an awesome thing. These are habits which I have learned over the last nine months or so, and I think that they are habits now, so that I don't have to fight them.
Part of this comes from being at home. I have not been the primary cook around the house for many years, but I used to enjoy doing it and be pretty good at it. I want to do it now while I have the opportunity, and I've been trying all sorts of new recipes, and baking as well (oatmeal pecan bread today!). I see a lot of differences, though. I baked poppy seed cake for company last Sunday, and I tasted the batter as a cook would, I didn't eat it as I would have last year at this time. I had a couple of small slices of it over a couple of days, but the boys at the most of it, and I threw away the last little bit that had started to dry out, where a year ago I probably would have eaten it.
Part of it comes from just wanting to eat things again. It doesn't come from not liking the MF foods; it comes from missing "normal" foods. I have too much stress and energy going to other things right now to continue with the struggle to lose weight, especially since cooking and baking is a nice distraction for me right now. I can maintain, it looks like -- I've been able to stay at this 178-181 range for a few weeks now, but I just don't have it in me to keep losing. Besides . . . this way all my current clothes fit and I don't have to worry about them getting too big and having to go buy new ones again right now. (I'm pretty much in a 14, not 14W, although some of the 14s are even a bit big. I made myself a flannel nightgown last week, and the pattern was for "medium," up to size 12. It's a bit snug across the chest, but wearable.)
So anyway, that's what's up with me. I still check in around here several times a day, but I'm not posting here or at my other primary 'net home much, and I've dropped totally off another small board. And I'm still making a few posts here and there, but I'm just not up to being my former self at the moment and putting a lot of energy and commitment into being here.
So anyway, that's my plan. Practice maintaining, get through the holidays (realistically knowing that I will probably put on a few pounds as most people do during that time), still be in the mid-180s or less by the New Year, and then resume the weight-loss aspect of MF after the New Year, and take off the remaining excess weight. Life cannot be actually good at that point, and it will never be normal again, I fear (or I guess there will be a new "normal,"), but time is a great healer, and perhaps by then I'll be less stressed and more able to focus on such things.
This is way too long, and I'm sorry. I think I'm posting it mostly for accountability.