179 And Holding

All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...

179 And Holding

Postby 24KaratGold » October 22nd, 2005, 11:31 pm

Hi there.

I know I haven't been around as much lately. I apologize. I've been so rude as to ignore a caring and concerned PM from someone I respect a lot on this forum, and I'm late on completing my part of a trade.

I'm having a thoroughly awful life at the moment, as I've stated elsewhere. I'd prefer not to post the details of it; some of you with whom I've exchanged a PM or a post may have some idea. There's more to it than that, much more, but that's all I have a right to share right now. I do tell you that the friendship and prayers and concern are much appreciated, more than you know.

Among other things, I'm not working right now. It's both a relief, and guilt-inducing. I just need some time off, to rest, recuperate, heal, whatever. I'm enjoying being home with my mostly-grown kids and the extra (21, 20, 17 and 15), and organizing the kitchen, painting the living room, sewing, stuff like that. I'm terribly stressed, and bordering on situational depression, which I am fighting. Been here, done this, and I will stand. It might just take a while.

I haven't checked in at roll call in awhile, although I am on the scale every other day. I'm holding right at 179, with occasional forays to 178 or 181.

I'm not MFing to lose weight at the moment. I've decided that my goal for the next two and a half months is to maintain my weight loss, and to keep my weight at 185 or lower until the New Year. At the New Year, I will make a resolution to take off the remaining weight, and I'll figure out what that should be. When I started this I called it at 165. That still seems like a good goal, although I'm told that I look just fine the way I am. I've wondered about even shooting for a bit lower, say 155 or 160, but I'll worry that next year.

I am MFing to maintain, though. I'm still having my MF oatmeal for breakfast, and a bar for "lunch," and I'm having several small, healthy meals several times a day. When I eat non-MF foods, my portions are definitely smaller, and I'm not eating except when I'm hungry now, which is an awesome thing. These are habits which I have learned over the last nine months or so, and I think that they are habits now, so that I don't have to fight them.

Part of this comes from being at home. I have not been the primary cook around the house for many years, but I used to enjoy doing it and be pretty good at it. I want to do it now while I have the opportunity, and I've been trying all sorts of new recipes, and baking as well (oatmeal pecan bread today!). I see a lot of differences, though. I baked poppy seed cake for company last Sunday, and I tasted the batter as a cook would, I didn't eat it as I would have last year at this time. I had a couple of small slices of it over a couple of days, but the boys at the most of it, and I threw away the last little bit that had started to dry out, where a year ago I probably would have eaten it.

Part of it comes from just wanting to eat things again. It doesn't come from not liking the MF foods; it comes from missing "normal" foods. I have too much stress and energy going to other things right now to continue with the struggle to lose weight, especially since cooking and baking is a nice distraction for me right now. I can maintain, it looks like -- I've been able to stay at this 178-181 range for a few weeks now, but I just don't have it in me to keep losing. Besides . . . this way all my current clothes fit and I don't have to worry about them getting too big and having to go buy new ones again right now. (I'm pretty much in a 14, not 14W, although some of the 14s are even a bit big. I made myself a flannel nightgown last week, and the pattern was for "medium," up to size 12. It's a bit snug across the chest, but wearable.)

So anyway, that's what's up with me. I still check in around here several times a day, but I'm not posting here or at my other primary 'net home much, and I've dropped totally off another small board. And I'm still making a few posts here and there, but I'm just not up to being my former self at the moment and putting a lot of energy and commitment into being here.

So anyway, that's my plan. Practice maintaining, get through the holidays (realistically knowing that I will probably put on a few pounds as most people do during that time), still be in the mid-180s or less by the New Year, and then resume the weight-loss aspect of MF after the New Year, and take off the remaining excess weight. Life cannot be actually good at that point, and it will never be normal again, I fear (or I guess there will be a new "normal,"), but time is a great healer, and perhaps by then I'll be less stressed and more able to focus on such things.

This is way too long, and I'm sorry. I think I'm posting it mostly for accountability.


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Postby Lisa in NY » October 23rd, 2005, 3:43 pm

It's very important that you have a plan, 24K. That's what will keep you from undoing all that you've done.

The only other thing I will say now is that I am no stranger to depression and nobody knows what it's like unless they've been there, so if you ever want to e-talk, let me know.

Take care and enjoy the holidays as much as you can - we'll always be here to support you - as you have done for so many others for so long ;)

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Postby Mommy2girls » October 24th, 2005, 8:17 pm

Ah ha! There you are! I was just wondering about you the other day and hoping that things were going okay. I'm sorry that you are in a tough spot in your life right now and all I can think is that hopefully things will get better, or, as you mentioned a new normal for you.

I don't know what things you are facing right now, but I think your plan to maintain is a good one, and I wish you all the best. It is incredibly hard to not return to old habits when life is stressful. Your weight right now is my ultimate goal, and I'm about 30lbs away from it right now. (Getting close to my original goal...but there is more work to be done.)

Maintaining through the holiday season is a great goal and I think you will be successful at it, and when you are ready, Medifast will help you reach your final goal.

Thanks for your post, good to "see" you around....

Maintaining a –45lb loss....

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Postby Nancy » October 25th, 2005, 10:18 pm

24 K ~

I am so thankful you wrote to us. I hate it when our Forum Friends are in a funkadocious place. It is frustrating for us because we want to pat you, fix ya up, chirk your spirits and leave you feeling happy and snappy inside but we also know there are times it is not possible to microwave a meaningful moment or word of encouragement – some things take time to mull over and to muck through.

One time I sat in a darkened room in my rocking chair for three months and listened to classical music. I wanted to come out and to enter into the life stream but just couldn’t. It was all I could do to get the laundry done and visit the grocery store.

Eventually the sadness washed away.

You’ve done so well with your weight loss plan, 24 K and it shows us that you have a strong resolve and a commitment to buck up and to stick through difficult times. May you draw upon that same inner strength to help you through this miry time, too.

Life sucks at times but just because it does, we ought not suck up everything that’s not nailed down…

One of my favorite Bible passages gives me great comfort. It is from the hand of the prophet Isaiah and ca be found in the book of Isaiah, chapter 43, verses 1-5
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine!

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you.
For I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your Savior…

Since you are precious in My sight,
Since you are honored and I love you,
I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.
Do not fear, for I am with you.”

I cling to the promise that I will not be alone in my troubles, - troubles will come and certainly they come to all of us at some point – He sees us and we are not alone. It comforts me to know that I am precious and honored and loved. And never alone.

You are methodical and that is to your advantage as I believe you can truly adhere to your plan. I am also thankful that you are regularly monitoring your weight - I get into trouble when I do not and now it is a habit for me to weigh and record my weight. If you are not exercising, it might be a good thing to consider taking a class or use a workout video or DVD as a stress buster.

I can never know what you are going through but I do care about you, 24 K. You are a kind, generous, special woman and I miss you and your wit and wisdom. Take care of you!
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Postby Lady Bug » October 31st, 2005, 5:01 pm

Hi 24K....We've missed you!!

I just wanted you to know I miss your posts and hope things will start going better for you. Sometimes the road ahead is a rough one and the signs to tell us which way to go are not as visible as we would like. But this too will pass. I remember years ago when I had to remind myself of that soooo many times, but you know what??? It did pass, and I truly believe I'm a better person because of it.

Hang in there and just know we care,
"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”

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Postby 24KaratGold » November 18th, 2005, 9:44 am

Hi there; just checking in.

I'm starting to pull it back together. I've now met every commitment I needed to meet except for one, which I will get done next week. It's taken some real effort, though.

I hate it when people die. I've had too much loss these last five years, and it's really wearing me down.

On the good news side, I'm maintaining pretty well at the 179-181 level. I know I have to lose 20 or so more pounds, but they will just have to wait until after the holidays.

On the even better news side, my 17 year old started doing MF on Tuesday. He is 5 and a half feet tall, and around 240. He's such a handsome boy that it has pained me to see him with the excess weight (which he's only put on in the last three years or so), not to mention that I worry about the health risks. Given that I have been heavy all my life, though, I'm hardly in a position to nag, and I know that nagging doesn't work anyway. It seems that the example I've set, by losing 90 pounds this year, has worked, though, and so he asked last week if he could do the program. And in the first three days, he's lost SEVEN pounds! I am so proud of him!

I'm looking for another job. I left the one that I had moved to in May, because it was "not the right fit" (she said euphamistically). Dean (remember Dean?) was right; I remember he posted a caution about what working there might be like, in light of the events leading up to my taking that job. God bless my husband who has not said a word except to say that he's glad I'm out of a bad situation that was causing me stress at a time when my stress levels were already off the charts. I've had a couple of interviews, but this time of year is slow. What I really want is someone to offer me a job now, but delay my starting until after the New Year. That way I could really enjoy the holidays, while have the security of knowing I have something to go to.

Anyway, that's what's happening here.

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Postby Lisa in NY » November 18th, 2005, 11:20 am



I owe you an email and I'll get to it - but wanted to say that I've been through this weight loss thing before - years ago I lost about 40 lbs., got to goal and stayed there for a few years, and I can say that if you are managing to maintain through all the difficult things you've been through the past few months, then you are now more powerful than any food in this world! I REALLY admire you and I know that if you want to lose another 20 lbs. you will surely get them off when you're ready.

Re your son - my oldest daughter (16) is in the same boat as your son. I wish I could get her to try MF but she's not really "there" yet to make a commitment to any diet - I think she's almost there but not quite. I know she doesn't like having to buy plus size dresses for the school dances while her skinny friends slink around in size 6's. It's a battle. Anyway, tell your son he's doing fantastic and you should be ready for some girls to start banging on the door for him!

Have a great day!

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Postby LuzInIt » November 18th, 2005, 2:19 pm

If you hang around here long enough (so far an eight-month program for me), sadness sets in as old friends disappear. I am so glad to see you popping in occasionally. Unfortunately, I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be either. Happy to hear life's issues are getting resolved for you. Valleys can really suck (that's sort of a crappy word... "crappy" -there's another... but sometimes they speak exactly what we want to say. I have also appropriated "bling" and "dissed" into my vocabulary, much to the chagrin of my family :lol: ). I am so delighted that your son has chosen to begin the program and wish him the very best. Hopefully, the quickness of his initial loss will inspire him to keep going. Please keep coming back - you are definitely "a star" on this forum and many of us enjoy your wisdom and wit.
Linda - Started MF 3/22/05

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Postby dlr2424 » November 19th, 2005, 8:25 am

24K.... :D ....so happy to hear from you..... :angel: ...my thoughts and prayers continue to stay with you...............it's so thoughtful of you to pop in to give us an update.... :yes: ....as you know we all care!!!!!!!!!!


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Postby 24KaratGold » December 6th, 2005, 10:20 am

Good morning all. Just thought I'd check in to let you all know I'm alive.

I'm working on a contract basis right now and looking for a permanent job, although at this point I think that will have to wait until after the holidays. Things are a bit slow right now, as they usually are. I'm hopeful they will pick up after the first of the year, so think good thoughts my way for a good job starting in January!

I am still maintaining pretty well, although I put on a few pounds over the Thanksgiving week. Went all the way up to 187 :shock: Waffled a bit last week, but finally got started again and this morning the scale is at 182. It helps that my 17 year old is doing MF, he keeps me pretty honest. :D I know that I will indulge with holiday parties and such, beginning soon, but I'm bound and determined to make it to the New Year still in the 180s, and ideally at 185 or less. Then after the New Year I'll resume MF full force and take off those last 20 pounds or so.

I got the lab reports for the tests I had done for the insurance physical a couple of months ago, that I mentioned here. All those numbers look great, and I know I owe it all to MF. The only one even slighly high was the total cholesterol, which was 201. The high end of "optimal" range is 200. The LDL was 110, and the HDL was 80. I never had it tested before, but I can only imagine what those numbers were when I was at 270, Yikes!

It's nice not to be obese. I love Medifast. Stay with it, friends, it is SO worth it.

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Postby Unca_Tim » December 6th, 2005, 1:06 pm

Hi 24K,
Thanks for checking in. Good to see you again.
Great seeing your son taking control of his health.
With great examples like yourself, maybe we can make America healthier...:)
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Postby LAwoman » December 6th, 2005, 11:52 pm

Hi 24K

Good to "hear" from you. It looks like your maintenance is going pretty well, especially with the holiday season upon us.

It always helps to see those that started before me or around the same time have and maintain success. Thanks for sharing your news.

I had a hard time getting back on MF after my summer hiatus and put on 1/2 the weight over the fall, but am back to reach goal this time.

After the new year, we'll all be here to support each other as we ease our way down to our goals.

Have a wonderful holiday season,
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