Hi! There are a few of us joining in a challenge to remain compliant for 100 straight days. That takes us to October 16th. It's a long time but if we stick together and take it one shake at a time, we can all be a lot thinner for Halloween!! Think of the cute costumes.... Sorry, tangent.
Anyway - I'm in, as is KatieB, Queenie, SuzyQ, Tawanda - hopefully I'm not missing anybody but please chime in if you want to join. Today is day 2 for me but day 1 for others - if you've already gotten to day 5, 10, 20, whatever, you can still join in! When you hit your personal 100th day you can add to that total while we all try to catch up!
This thread is for us to check in, give support, cheerlead - whatever.
OK - glass of water in one hand, determined to do this - I'm signing off for now.