100 day challenge...

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

100 day challenge...

Postby LAwoman » November 21st, 2007, 12:05 am

...is going strong.

Got so busy I forgot to report at 70 days, and will be gone during the 80th day, so how about a mid-70-day report. ;)

I'm happy to report lots of great things like: another 5 lb. loss, 1/2 way to goal, "just" overweight and not obese, getting lots and lots of compliments, fitting into more and more clothes, having tons of energy, feeling great.

It's wonderful seeing everyone's achievements here: reaching new clubs, reaching goal, staying on plan through life's ups/downs.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your journey, it's always an inspiration and truly motivational. And thanks for your kind words of encouragement, 'cause we know those always feel good.

Keep up the great work everyone!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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