by rodeomom » February 3rd, 2008, 2:17 pm
When I am able to resist my peanut butter addiction, the other way I get the required fat servings is to add regular cream cheese to a pudding. It really doesn't change the flavor, but it does make it MUCH creamier and does something to make it freeze better (more like ice cream - less like ice).
I forgot to take my supplements to the Creation Museum yesterday, so I had to improvise. I ended up having a protien bar and two 8 ounce glasses of 2 % milk. Not really on plan, but not horribly off either. I did get my water in too. AND since I spent 4 hours meandering through the museum even on my knee scooter, I feel like I got in a good amount of exercise too.
Today is off to a great start. It is almost time for L&G!
09/21/07 - 12/21/07 Lost 80 Pounds Ankle Surgery 12-21-07