100 Day Challenge of Compliance !

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby Serendipity » February 7th, 2008, 12:46 pm

I'm right here cheering for you girls. :cheerleader:
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Postby MerryMary » February 7th, 2008, 4:50 pm

rodeomom wrote:Well, don't feel too bad ladies - I may have been in on the challenge, but I completely blew it this week. I don't want to whine and cry about it, but I have had a very difficult week and just chose not to comply. It was my choice, and I did make a concious (sp) decision to go off plan. This morning I actually woke up feeling very sick to my stomach, probably the PB&J sandwhiches and Sugar cookies I had last night. I cried, worked out, cried some more and CHOSE to get back on plan. So I guess, I am right there with Diane and Ruthetta - back to day one.

The way I see it, life happens. You went off plan by choice and then made an informed choice to get back on plan!! We can cry over our bad choices or we can rally in them because they were teachable moments. Remember what you learned and don't be too hard on yourself. Best wishes for your continued success!! :cleader: :cheermed: :cleader:
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Postby katesmom » February 7th, 2008, 6:32 pm

BAD WEEK...With such a discouraging beginning I TOO have fallen off the wagon...I am not feeling very happy about it and have already gotten back on the horse (as they say). I have really figured out that the stress level effects my mood and success each week...

I still have a hubby out of work, but that is NO EXCUSE for me to fail...

So, along with you all, I am re-starting NOW !!!!

Thanks to all of you who have the patience of forgiveness...

Especially you Jo ! :D
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Postby rodeomom » February 7th, 2008, 7:38 pm

I guess if something like learning an entirely new way of life were easy we wouldn't need support forums like this one right?

Thanks MM for your support and encouragement. Today was a much better day plan wise - I was completely on plan and drank a GALLON of water (B-L-E-C-H!!!) Man I wish there were another way to get the water in without drinking water! I also did 100 crunches, 100 knee to chest or backwards crunches, worked my upper arms to get rid of the bat wings, and started to clean out some o da junk in da trunk ;) .

What is so unnerving for me is that I had such a GREAT NSV at Wal-Mart the other day. That should have helped me stay on plan, but the whole thing back-fired and I ended up sabatoging myself. The whole thing comes down to working out issues that are buried deep in my soul - otherwise I will never conquer the beast.
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Postby Diana » February 7th, 2008, 8:25 pm

Guys -- seriously -- go listen to the recording of Wednesday's Maintenance Call. Nancy's got number in A Message from your Host

or, um. . .

(shuffles through papers)

Here it is!!

1- 512-505-6863

It addresses these very issues. Sure made me feel better.

Go get 'em, Medipals!
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Postby MerryMary » February 7th, 2008, 8:30 pm

rodeomom wrote:The whole thing comes down to working out issues that are buried deep in my soul - otherwise I will never conquer the beast.

It's rarely what's on the surface that bothers us ... whether in our relationships with people or food. We need to get to go deeper. Once we do we have a better chance of long-term success.
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Postby dede4wd » February 7th, 2008, 8:58 pm

Had a nosedive involving BOTH of my demons...but I'm happy to say it only lasted 2 days until my suitcase materialized...

I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps and am not going to weigh until I get home on the 25th...I felt like I should pull off my 100-day challenge icon from my signature, but I fell, I got back up and now I'm in until May 8, Grandma didn't raise no girl that didn't get up when she fell down, so that Icon is STAYING on my siggy!

Let's do this getting healthy thing...pulling myself up by my bootstraps and getting going!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby KellyC » February 7th, 2008, 10:16 pm

Truth is, I haven't been 100% either. Whether it was not taking in all my meals or water, or having 1 too many pickles or an extra stalk of celery, more than 3 caffeinated drinks.. it doesn't matter, it's still not 100%.

I'm proud of all of us though.. faltering for a moment, but coming back strong instead of giving in completely.. we're all gonna succeed in the end.
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Postby iammissruth » February 8th, 2008, 8:08 am

KellyC wrote:I'm proud of all of us though.. faltering for a moment, but coming back strong instead of giving in completely.. we're all gonna succeed in the end.

I completely agree with you Kelly! We are facing our faults and making changes. We can do this together.
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Postby krissss » February 8th, 2008, 8:20 am

Well.........me too.

I was mad at the scale for not moving in serveral days at 200.5 .So I ate to lean and greens and weren't so lean and so green.

I wanted to try to stir things up a bit .Well I was even madder at myself when the scale went up .05lbs ...LOL.

Anyway I tooo got back on the PONY full force and NOW I AM IN ONEDERLAND.......199 THIS MORNING!!!!!!!

I still feel so far behind on my weightloss. 18.5lbs in a little over 5 weeks.I know thats great but I was no Medifast 2 years ago and was down alot more after 5 1/2 weeks.

But hey ....whos complaining!!!!!!! NOT I... SAYS THE
199 girl. :-P

Good luck to all my medifast buddies

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Postby Serendipity » February 8th, 2008, 8:26 am

Hey Kris, that's wonderful! It's a lovely feeling to see the onezies on that scale. :mrgreen:
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Postby rodeomom » February 8th, 2008, 8:45 am

:bravo: :yourock: :whoohoo: :bouncieball: :thumbig:

That is to all of us who have gotten real about this thing. And to Krisss for entering ONEDERLAND.

We should all be congratulated for standing up and admitting our slips. Like Kelly said, sometimes it might be just not getting all the water in. I rarely get all my water in and I ALWAYS drink more Diet Coke (way more) than is suggested. The point is we are trying and we are being accountable to each other. That accountability should make us think before we go off plan, but it won't keep us from going off plan everytime. We are all human after all

DeDe - if you take that icon off you siggy, I am going to get in touch with someone to put it back on!! Do you hear me?? We are in this together. We are all slipping!

HEY and let's not forget there is PRIZE MONEY at the end of this! Maybe enough to buy a new Easter outfit?????
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Postby Serendipity » February 8th, 2008, 9:58 am

rodeomom wrote::DeDe - if you take that icon off you siggy, I am going to get in touch with someone to put it back on!! Do you hear me?? We are in this together. We are all slipping!

I agree, Brenda! This is a competition and I don't think anyone should be disqualified for taking the long way. Granted, it will be harder to win the moola if you get sidetracked, but that's the point, right? It's supposed to motivate you to stay on track.

Get busy money, get compliant money, and show us money what you can do! money money money, oh yeah, and thin thin thin body!

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Postby krissss » February 9th, 2008, 5:07 pm

Thanks ladies.....I feel like now that I threw away the 200's ...NOW GAME ON!!!!!!! lol

I remember Nancy saying one time .Just think if you go off plan for one meal or one snack etc.It can take "4 days" to get yourself back to burning .

Actually not her exact words :lol: .......but thats what she was getting at.

I think of that everytime I want a bite of something off plan.Its not worth 4 days.But hey ..sometimes my naughty side takes a bite anyway. 8)

Hang in there buddies...And yes "I will" take the "MOOLA" and buy a cute Easter dress thank you very much!!!!!!!!! :-P

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Postby ChynnaDoll » February 9th, 2008, 8:18 pm

Hey there Kriss! Girl, i thought the same EXACT thing evvvvr'ytime i even THOUGHT about eating off plan..LOL!..just the mere thought of 4 brand new days it would take me to GET BACK to ketosis detoured me BIG'TIME!

I just dropped by to let ALL of you know how WELL you're doing in this contest. PERSEVERANCE pays off in the end :-P ...the money is a TRUE incentive alright but as far as i'm concerned you ALL will be WINNERS!!!!!!:+)

Good Luck!

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