Nancy before weight loss on Medifast Diet and Take Shape for life at 258 pounds.
Nancy Before Medifast
258 Lbs

What is Medifast?

With Medifast and the help of her Take Shape for Life Health Advisors, Nancys' weight loss was 128 pounds in 28 weeks!
Nancy At 130 Lbs
28 Weeks Later!



Women's Health

The Medifast Health Management Program. Lose weight safely.
Complete Support Provided to you by your Take Shape for Life Certified Personal Health Advisors
Terry and Nancy Pettit

Product Pages


The MediFast Program Specially Designed for Women

Medifast Plus for Women's Health is a specially designed supplement for nutrition and weight management, formulated to help a woman's body naturally adjust to the changes associated with menopause. You should contact your physician for advice on how Medifast Plus for Women's Health may be used as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy or for better nutrition.

Medifast Plus for Womens Health is formulated with the natural herbs black cohosh, chaste tree berry, and Echinacea purpurea, which studies have shown may reduce menopausal symptoms. Research suggests: Black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa) provides hormonal support during menopause and may also reduce hot flashes and mood swings. Chaste tree berry (vitex agnus castus) may help balance hormone levels. Echinacea purpurea (purple cone flower) is known for its ability to strengthen the immune system. In menopause, Echinacea purpurea may fight off recurrent vaginal and bladder infections as some studies suggest. Soy protein may decrease negative symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and irritability.

                                                          Delicious Medifast Meal Replacement Snacks

Medifast Plus for Women's Health is recommended for Women age 35-60 who are experiencing the symptoms of Menopause. This many include but is not limited to: hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, fatigue, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, headaches, anxiety, and insomnia.

Medifast Plus for Womens Health should be taken 1-3 times a day as part of your Medifast program. It can also be used outside of a Medifast program as a snack or occasional meal replacement. Medifast Plus for Women's Health is available in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors.



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         Medifast/Take Shape for Life are registered trade marks of Jason Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright 2003 Terry Pettit 
Certified Health Advisor No. 9232

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Medifast low calorie diets require physician monitoring to minimize the potential for health risks.
A regular or certified Health Advisor is not a substitute for a physician or a qualified medical practitioner for monitoring patients using Medifast low calorie products


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