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PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 1:35 pm
by DonnaS
Hello Hols, I generally put ice with all my shakes in the blender and I love them (except for the orange).

I woke up with a headache today and I can only figure that it may be because I didn't have that last shake. I did have 5 medifast meals yesterday but had two together. I had three shakes, soup with bar (really hungry) and L&G. Couldn't figure out why my shoulders and back were so sore yesterday then remembered the tilling. Didn't seem so bad while I was doing it but yesterday and today I'm sore. Raining today so I can't get outside.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 1:36 pm
by DonnaS
ooops, computer trouble

PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 1:36 pm
by DonnaS
puter problems ................

PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 1:36 pm
by DonnaS
Guess I tried four times to post my message and it didn't show that it posted so I emailed Unca. I come back later and there are four posts. Sorry.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 4:52 pm
by Patty
Hi Donna -

Just stopping by to say Hi and hoping you are feeling better :hug:

PostPosted: June 21st, 2007, 6:17 pm
by SuzyQ66
Hi Donna - just stopping by to say hi. I too have been having puter problems. Sometimes when I press submitt I am getting error messages and something about debugging - but then I look and my post has been posted. Wonder if the problems are with the website because I get the errors both at work and at home. Keep shakin Donna!!

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2007, 5:23 am
by DonnaS
SuzyQ66 wrote:Hi Donna - just stopping by to say hi. I too have been having puter problems. Sometimes when I press submitt I am getting error messages and something about debugging - but then I look and my post has been posted. Wonder if the problems are with the website because I get the errors both at work and at home. Keep shakin Donna!!

I e-mailed whomever handles that at MMT and was told that they are having some problems. I'm getting the same error messages but at least now I know my posts are getting thru. Have a good day!

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2007, 5:30 am
by DonnaS
Patty wrote:Hi Donna -

Just stopping by to say Hi and hoping you are feeling better :hug:

Hi Patty, I feel great this morning, no headache. Thanks!

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2007, 9:43 am
by holberry
Morning Donna
Here's to a good day, and as someone else said it does get easier. I use to munch on radishes for crunch.
hugs to you!

PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 8:18 am
by DonnaS
Stayed on plan all weekend. The weekend was a little easier since we laid out bermuda in our lawn so I kept busy. I actually didn't do the sodding cause I couldn't lift the squares but I was outside the whole time watching and visiting. (I love being outside as long as the temperatures are below 90.) The squares were heavy due to all the rain we have been having here in Texas.

Had the grandbaby from Friday until Sunday, late afternoon, so that made my weekend that much better. She (Hannah) is a few weeks over two years old and lots of fun these days.

Cousins came over Saturday evening so we played a couple of games of shuffleboard and pool but I was wanting to go to bed early. I think it's because a lot of the adults were drinking (I used to join right it) and I don't want to be around it right now. It wasn't like I wished I could drink too (hopefully I'm past that) but I just wanted to be away from it. Actually I'm at a point to where I wish there was no drinking at all in my home. I'm seeing that it just leads to other problems. (I may post about that later but I'm not sure.)

Hope everyone has a good day!

PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 8:30 am
by holberry
Hey Donna :D
You did great this weekend. Every day will be easier. Just yesterday, I thought ,hmmm, I hardly think about food. Very weird for me. I have to remind myself to eat some days. Good golly.Dont get me wrong, there are still days where I wish for something. Like my beloved cherries and raspberries that grow like weeds up here.
Next summer for them.
Anyhow, go easy on the work out. Take supplements before and afterwards. Let me know how it goes.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 9:16 am
by DonnaS
Thanks Hols, I do believe this program is getting easier for me. I can't believe I'm nearly finished with week three. It just seems like yesterday that I was wishing my medifast would hurry up and get here. This forum, and everyones support, has been a blessing to me; I don't know what I would have done without it.

I'll probably have my morning supplement then exercise. I might can get by without a bar for the first couple of weeks but we will see. I was walking a couple of miles at the track before I started medifast so I probably could have started exercising last week but didn't feel like it.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 1:48 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Hey sweet lady...thanks for dropping by my journal to say hello! sweet of you:+) Hi you doing girl??????

Boy can'ya believe how fast time flies?..alsmost done with 3 weeks...that is totally AWESOME!!!!!'re doing sooooo GOOD!! Keep on shakin' g/f!


PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 5:02 pm
by SuzyQ66
I know what you mean about drinking. My hubby and I used to be around that stuff a lot when we were much younger - and you are so right - it causes so many problems. I am just a social drinker - and typically when I am somewhere with a big group - I choose not to drink at all because that's when it seems stuff happens.

I hope you have a great week. I am so happy you joined this forum. You are a great addition.

PostPosted: June 26th, 2007, 6:57 am
by DonnaS
End of third week and lost 1.5 lbs.

Starting the couch to 5k program today and will walk on the treadmill today, Thursday and Saturday. I believe I will start weighing in on Sunday mornings with everyone else this next weekend too.

Have a wonderful day!