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PostPosted: May 16th, 2007, 3:11 pm
by Donna
Ugh, I have had IBS for 20+ years and I am so with you on the symptoms. I forgot that when I tried MF 2 years ago I had increased flair ups. I just went out today and bought a box of Lactaid to see if that helps. I usally take Immodium AD every day, but that hasn't been enough. I don't know if you are taking anything, but I read that if you take a pill at the onset of every meal it may help.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2007, 3:43 pm
by GucciGoo
UGH I just went potty for the FOURTH time today. At this rate I should see my goal by Friday night. Lovely.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2007, 5:15 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Oh Beth, i am so sorry you are having tummy upset:+( I will pray that you start to feel better real soon...hopefully you have because it is now 8:15pm here in Upstate New York:+)
I hope you'll be able to get a good
night's rest.


PostPosted: May 16th, 2007, 7:01 pm
by Nancy
Lactaid tablets have helped others, thanks for mentioning it...begin with one tablet with each Medifast packet; if that doesn't help, add another regular strength Lactaid tablet, and if necessary, up to three per packet.

Do you ever experience bloating or the diarrhea dash with dairy products?

IBS can be exacerbated by stress, PMS and body fatigue and so can lactose intolerance.

Let us know if the Lactaid gives you some relief. I know it is a hassle and an additional expense but I'd suggest them for several weeks and gradually diminish the dose. Use the Medifast 70 shakes or the RTDs and avoid the Creamy soups, Hot Cocoa, Cappuccino, Chai with their higher milk content.

Because of its higher carbohydrate level, corn can kick you out of the fat-burning state.

PostPosted: May 22nd, 2007, 3:33 pm
by bikipatra
How are you doing, Beth??? 8)

PostPosted: May 22nd, 2007, 8:01 pm
by Nancy
Thanks, Biki. I was wondering, too....It's not like you stay away so long, Beth. I hope you are feeling better.

PostPosted: May 23rd, 2007, 8:04 am
by Serendipity
Beth, honey. Put the corn down and get back here.

PostPosted: May 24th, 2007, 11:46 am
by hulagirlfromhawaii
Where are you Beth? Hope you're okay! :dunno:

PostPosted: May 28th, 2007, 10:08 am
by bikipatra
Dr. Beth, Dr. Beth, paging Dr. Beth STAT!!!

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 6:21 am
by GucciGoo
Well, I have had a very enjoyable summer of eating Oreo Cakesters, drinking Pepsi and eating grilled cheese and potato chips for lunch every day. Now that I realize I can no longer fit into my fall clothes, I am desperate. I have had a lot of digestive problems with Medifast and decided to take a long break from dieting so that I can start feeling like a human again. So now I feel like a fat human.

I re-started yesterday, and I am not even discussing how much I have gained because it is embarrassing. But I'll discuss my progress as I go along. I plan on weighing in once a month to avoid the discouragement I felt on days where I did not lose, and ended up cheating to make myself feel better.

I did have IBS problems yesterday, and woke up with a horrid headache today, but I am sucking it up and dealing with it.

I missed everyone, and thank you to all those who tried to contact me. I was avoiding the people who would have yelled at me and kept me on track, because I was enjoying the yummy food too much. I have browsed through all of your journals, and am amazed at how well you have all done in the past few months.

I am just mad at myself for being so close to goal and then f---ing up everything.

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 6:31 am
by bikipatra
I am so happy you are back! I was telling Jolene just a week or so ago how much I missed you!

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 7:10 am
by GucciGoo
I missed you too! I can't believe how much weight you lost! You look fabulous!

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 7:23 am
by holberry
glad you are back :D

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 7:34 am
by Elizabeth
Hey Beth! Good to see you.

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 7:35 am
by bikipatra
DarkAndStormy wrote:I missed you too! I can't believe how much weight you lost! You look fabulous!

Thanks! You've been gone long enough that even a turtle can make progress! :mrgreen: