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PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 1:06 pm
by queenielou
Hey Ms. Lady!

I scrolled up and read that you were sick recently. Sorry to hear that but I sure hope you continue to feel better. Glad to see that you're here on the boards. Hope your family is doing well. Thank you for all of your continued encouragement and support. :hug:

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 2:43 pm
by Lizabette
My CHI. Just had to come by to thank you for all your support and encouragement this past week.
This is my first day up and dressed, and if DH comes in here and finds me here, he will make me high tail it back to bed.
I know your personal angel wings been hovering around me :angel: and I just gotta get myself going again.
I'm so glad you are feeling better now... Talk to you later!
Love you the most...:heart:

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 5:08 pm
by ChynnaDoll
queenielou wrote:Hey Ms. Lady!

I scrolled up and read that you were sick recently. Sorry to hear that but I sure hope you continue to feel better. Glad to see that you're here on the boards. Hope your family is doing well. Thank you for all of your continued encouragement and support. :hug:

Heyyyyyyyy sweetie!!!!! So GOOD to see you again :-P
Yeah girl i was some sick but now i'm much better praise the Lord.
Thank you so much for your kind are so sweet. Errin is doing fine these relapes as of yet (keeping fingers crossed)

Thanks for stopping by...please come again ok!!


PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 5:18 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Lizabette wrote:My CHI. Just had to come by to thank you for all your support and encouragement this past week.
This is my first day up and dressed, and if DH comes in here and finds me here, he will make me high tail it back to bed.
I know your personal angel wings been hovering around me :angel: and I just gotta get myself going again.
I'm so glad you are feeling better now... Talk to you later!
Love you the most...:heart:

Oh sweetpeaaaaaa, i see my little angel wings there :-P YEP, i had'ta make SURE you were mending properly:+) You getting FULLY dressed today is certainly a GOOD sign you're on the road to don't you go and OVER DO'IT ya hear or i'll have one of your HISSY'!

I love you BUNCHES..take care of yourself, and thanks for coming by my queen!

your Chi~

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 5:26 pm
by katieb920
Hola my girl. How you doing in Upstate New York. Are you freezing your petunias off. If it is cold in Jersey. I sure know it is cold in New york.

One thing about Medifast and the winter, my hands stay cold the entire time, all the way up to summer. ( less fat to hold onto)

Hope you have a good evening

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 5:45 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Hi yourself daughter:+))..i was just about to signoff and saw your name and said OH there's my cyber daughter :-P HELL YES it's cold..can't hardly stand it..when i'm outside and breathe in it make me cough it's SO!...and ditto to what you said about Medifast and being cold..i use to be so cold it wasn't funny..LOL, i remember when i'd get in the bed with Lou for the night and accidentally touch his legs with my feet he'd have a FIT..he'd say WHAT'DA...go take a hot shower..and he wouldn't be kiddin' either!

Ok sweetness going to eat something now...probably a salad with salmon some cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and sugarfree bread and butter pickle slices with Paul Newman's Lighten'UP dressing...i had to take the seeds out of the tomatoes and cucumbers for fear of them effecting my diverticular...but it's ALLLLL"GOOD!

Thanks for coming to visit..please come again:+)

your cybermom

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 7:58 pm
by Mavesse
Hi Chynna, glad to hear you are taking good care of yourself and avoiding those pesky seeds. ;)

I was wondering, where do you get sugar free bread and butter pickles? I looooove them, and have been missing them!

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 10:07 pm
by MerryMary
Hi Chynna!
My time's not my own it seems, but when I saw you were back on the boards I had to stop by and say Howdy! Sorry you were sick and I hope you continue to feel better each day. There's been no real changes in life on this side of the keyboard but God is good just the same. :D

PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 10:37 pm
by Mike
ChynnaDoll wrote:...going to eat something now...probably a salad with salmon some cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and sugarfree bread and butter pickle slices with Paul Newman's Lighten'UP dressing...

One word... yummm ;)

We are so thankful that our Lord has blessed you with returned health (at least to the point that you are back among us). You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we really love seeing your wonderful spirit on this board.

God bless.



PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 11:48 pm
by dede4wd
Just stopping by to say hi and check in!

PostPosted: January 25th, 2008, 8:27 am
by GucciGoo
hey there! I just posted a bunch of info about my IBS and stuff if you are interested. Sorry to hear what you went through :(

PostPosted: January 25th, 2008, 9:00 am
by rodeomom
Hey Chy, thank you for the email and beautiful prayer. I am still feeling the "peace that passes understanding" since I got it. God is so good isn't He?!!! It sure is great to see that you are dealing with your diverticulitus (sp) and learning how to eat well with it. I am jealous that katie gets to be your cyber daughter, how sweet. Keep on keeping on my friend.

PostPosted: January 25th, 2008, 10:22 am
by ChynnaDoll
I am just soooooo THRILLED to wake up and see all this sweet company here at my house...MY MY MY:+))) Thank you guys!!!

MAVESSE the name of those pickles is Mt. Olive (no sugar added) Bread & Butter Chips..sweetened with Spenda. I get mine from Price Chopper. I would imagine you could get them from any major food chain. Hope you can find'll enjoy them:+) Hope you're doing good with things!

MARYYYY, i think about you all the time, and wonder how things are going with your mom and all. I pray that you are finding strength to carry on my friend. Like you said God is GOOD just the same. How are doing with your ministry? wonderful to see you:+)

MIKE my mannnn!!!! (sorry Di, but i'm borrowing him) Wasss'up??? Thank you for such kind words...i'm so & Di ALWAYS leave me 'lifted up' in spirit:+))
BOY, my salad was soooooo GOOD!!!!..think i'll have'it again! Think i got'a call'ya soon...need some of those YOU'KNOW my favvvvvvorite bars:+))) (chocolate mint)

DEDE girl, Hiiiiiiiii to you too!!!!! So glad you came by cuz i hadn't heard from you in awhile. Hope everything is going alright with you these days:+)..please come by again ok?:+))

BETH, hello to you sweetie. I am so sorry to hear about your IBS:+( If it's anything like Divertculitis, then i know you have been experiencing some unpleasant times. I seem to have a handle on my situation...they caught it in time before in got BAD BAD thank God. I am going over to your journal and check out the info about the IBS..maybe we can help each other out somehow:+)...stop over again.

BREN sweetheart...i am so glad that i COULD be a source of comfort to you. Cling on to that prayer. I will continue to keep you in my prayers girl. Don't worry about us, INSTEAD, concentrate on YOU...we'll be here and we truly understand, and with God's grace, you'll come to understand as well. Talk with you my friend.

Well, as for me, i'm doing ok...doing my exercises and trying to eat right:+). ALMOST cracked my chin and teeth doing the countertop pushups the other night...STUPIDITY on my part trying to do that in sock feet..DUHHHH!

EVERYONE!! have a great day!


PostPosted: January 25th, 2008, 3:24 pm
by lifelovinaries
hey sq, just wanted to pop in and say :wave: I have a lot of catching up to do here.

BTW, mike, you gonna yell at her for her "my man" comment? :lol: :roflmao:

PostPosted: January 25th, 2008, 4:17 pm
by Out*With*The*Old

I'm sorry, but I cracked :hatch: up at the visual of you doing the push ups in socks and slipping. :roflmao: I'm glad yer OK!

Go check out Erica's journal when you get a sec!!

Hope ya had a great day!!