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PostPosted: January 17th, 2008, 1:37 pm
by rodeomom
Isn't that the problem where you shouldn't eat things with seeds or nuts and stuff because they get stuck in the folds of your intestines and cause infection?

Anyway, I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. Lortabs should do the trick though! Woo, those are some good stuff. hee hee

Anyway, I am glad you are back. I was gettin worried about you! Thanks for stopping by my journal and saying hey. Thanks, also, for the prayers for my friend, Alicia, who is so sick with cancer right now. I do believe in miracles so I am not giving up hope.

It is so good to see you back!


PostPosted: January 17th, 2008, 7:53 pm
by Diana
Hey, Beautiful!!

I'm glad you're home and resting . . . and the doctors were able to figure out what was going on!! We continue to keep you in our prayers and will add this to the specifics. Congrats on the 10 lbs, but, sheesh, gurl! :shock: Extremes!

PostPosted: January 17th, 2008, 9:34 pm
by Mavesse
Hi Chynna,

I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick. I have had a few friends with diverticulitis and they shared that it was incredibly painful. I'm sending lots of prayers that you'll be back on top of the world soon!



PostPosted: January 17th, 2008, 11:17 pm
by dede4wd
I'm SO glad you're home and feeling better!

PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 3:55 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Thanks for stopping by Bren, Diana, and Mavesse with your kind words:+)

Well, i'm coming along ok. Have been increasing my fiber as i was instructed to do, and also drinkng ALOT, more than usual..feel like a blimp!

I'm restarting my exercising on Monday but slowly..maybe three 10 minute segments throughout the day.

I wanna try some countertop pushups i saw mentioned here. How do you do them? Are your feet pushed back a little? If anyone is reading would you please let me know the correct way of doing them...thanking you in advance!

Everyone have a great weekend!


PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 3:58 pm
by Out*With*The*Old
Hey girl! I'm just catching up on journals and seeing you've been ill - - I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're back to your old self - and even better - soon!!!!


PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 9:55 am
by DonnaS
Chynna, So sorry to see that you have been sick! My cousin was having the same issues right before the new year and was diagnosed the same as you. I hear it's painful and I'm glad you are recovering.

PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 8:50 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Thanks so much guys:+) I'm feeling ALOT better now praise the Lord. Donna how is your cousin doing now? I don't EVER wish that on's AWFUL.

Well i plan on starting to exercise again tomorrow. Will take it slow. So Erica here i!

I just finished watching the NY GIANTS..they are SUPERBOWL bound:+)))..Afterall, I AM from Upstate New York.LOL!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and wonderful losses!!

Keep on shakin'!!


PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 11:13 am
by lifelovinaries
just poppin in to see how my suzy q is doing! I just got back from the gym, well actually about an hour ago. Trying to keep this exercise thing going. I am also gonna try to do a dvd tonight. We'll see if that actually happens.

PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 12:37 pm
by katieb920
Hiya CM (cyber mom)

Just checking in on you and see how you are doing?

Just want to let you know that I might have to disown you as my cyber mom GIANTS BLECHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (just kidding)

Not a fan of either of the two teams winning.

Hope you have a great day.

PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 12:43 pm
by ChynnaDoll
it's 2:30 and i just finished doing that denise austin dance tape..SALTY sweats dripping on the kes!..wasn't bad as i thought for the first time after beng, after i eat after a little something i'm gonna try those counter-top pushups..Rob described to me how to CORRECTLY do them..maybe i'll do 10 if i can to start with, and that'll be it for the exercising for today :-P

you doing GOOD tho chickadee'dee'dee'!!!..keep it up cuz we're kick'n some A@@ here...LOL!..thanks for ckeckin' and keepin' on suzy q's case:+)))


PostPosted: January 22nd, 2008, 6:47 pm
by Out*With*The*Old
Just had to stop in and say Hi!! :wave: I got yer PM but no time to form a PROPER reply - HA HA!

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2008, 7:25 pm
by ChynnaDoll
katieb920 wrote:Hiya CM (cyber mom)

Just checking in on you and see how you are doing?

Just want to let you know that I might have to disown you as my cyber mom GIANTS BLECHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (just kidding)

Not a fan of either of the two teams winning.

Hope you have a great day.

Hey sweets! now now now no disowning YET, got'a s' hubby is just LOVES the sucky GIANTS, so JUST to pacify him i acted like i was soooooooo HAPPY they were winning for crimers!...i don't even LIKE football!...all they gonna do anyway is LOSE the Superbowl!

Hope you had a great day today!

CM (cybermom)

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2008, 7:34 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Out*With*The*Old wrote:Just had to stop in and say Hi!! :wave: I got yer PM but no time to form a PROPER reply - HA HA!

Well YOU better find time cuz i wanna a PROPER response even if it takes you til' next XMAS...LOL&LOL! Oh,,HI RIGHT BACK at'cha!!

Got'a go figure out what tape i'm gonna move my fannie to for 30 minutes tomorrow:+))))..ttyl!


PostPosted: January 23rd, 2008, 8:31 am
by holberry
Morning C Doll.
Thank you for the welcomes :D
It's good to be back.

Convertible news, I am not driving it in the winter/rainy season. One being we live on a dirt/gravel road. Too much mud. Plus, according to dh, it has high performance/speed tires that are not made for cold weather.

Thinking Im going to go sit in it soon, I miss it's elegance.

Have a great day.