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PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 2:39 am
by Sojourner
alpha femme wrote:my losses have slowed to a crawl, and i don't know if it's because my body is strongly objecting to the fact that i have lost the equivalent of a full-grown man. why the hell didn't it object to putting that much weight ON? stupid body.

Huh!!!!! Stupid bodies!!!

alpha femme wrote:i would also like to comment on a topic that has come up in a different thread. we are NOT the same people after massive weight loss...we DO become different people. hopefully, we become the best versions of ourselves possible.

I responded in another thread about being the "same" person no matter your size. What I was alluding to was the basic, fundamental character traits one exhibits over the course of their lifetime. I believe the thread in question concerned the topic of marital fidelity. IMHO, that is something that is ingrained into a person's psyche, with no regard to their external appearance. One may have different opportunities presented to them at varying weights, but if a person has it in them to be unfaithful, they will cheat at one hundred and twenty pounds or four hundred and twenty pounds -- y'know? That's all I was saying. I completely agree with your stance, Alex, about the impact that social interaction and environmental influences have on how a person wends their way through this world. Of course that stuff makes us act differently when we are viewed by others (and ourselves!) as "different" people on the outside. But your last line in the above quote says what I was trying to say: we may display different versions of ourselves, but the base "self" is the same.

...and BTW...I LOVE oatmeal. 8)

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 9:21 am
by alpha femme
Sojourner wrote:...and BTW...I LOVE oatmeal. 8)

then you should be single, gay, and local.
oatmeal is not on the socal dining menu.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 10:00 am
by DogMa
OK, I missed that whole conversation, but of course I have to add my 2 cents. I agree that those basic traits are probably there all along. But if the person has always been overweight and didn't have the opportunity to cheat, even THEY might not know the traits are there.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 11:13 am
by bikipatra
DogMa wrote:OK, I missed that whole conversation, but of course I have to add my 2 cents. I agree that those basic traits are probably there all along. But if the person has always been overweight and didn't have the opportunity to cheat, even THEY might not know the traits are there.

I've been a fat slut and a skinny slut. Never had problems picking up men either way-but I was LOOKING to pick up men! All of my friends tell me the reason I can pick up men at any weight is my beautiful face. I would love it if that were true but it is bull. It was my willingness to fork it over, plain and simple.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 11:16 am
by Lauren
Ohmygod, Biki, that was classic.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 11:19 am
by bikipatra
Lauren wrote:Ohmygod, Biki, that was classic.

And oh so true...

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 12:18 pm
by alpha femme
yeah, see. i don't even spoon these days, because spooning leads to forking, and i'm just not looking for validation. on the other hand, pilates girl is back in the picture. yeah. like i'm gonna let her see my oatmeal.

what robin said is truly accurate.

on the other hand, this is giving me issues, because i am so intimately acquainted with the vast personality changes.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 3:40 pm
by DogMa
sigh. fat or skinny, i'm the world's first jewish nun.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2006, 6:00 pm
by LadyT
bikipatra wrote:
DogMa wrote:OK, I missed that whole conversation, but of course I have to add my 2 cents. I agree that those basic traits are probably there all along. But if the person has always been overweight and didn't have the opportunity to cheat, even THEY might not know the traits are there.

I've been a fat slut and a skinny slut. Never had problems picking up men either way-but I was LOOKING to pick up men! All of my friends tell me the reason I can pick up men at any weight is my beautiful face. I would love it if that were true but it is bull. It was my willingness to fork it over, plain and simple.

I have to respond to Biki first...were we separated at birth? You are SO talking about ME...but that's another story!

Alex - I just wanted to stop by and say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your journal!! I have read pretty much all of it, and you are such an amazing, funny and beautiful woman, that I can't believe some smart lady hasn't scooped you up!! What is wrong with the world?? Don't get me started...
You look amazing (even if you don't believe us!)...and I look forward to reading more from you!! oatmeal belly - I have always said my stomach has so many stretch marks, that it looks like a road map...and unfortunately it is a road less travelled in recent years.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2006, 3:02 am
by bikipatra
alpha femme wrote:yeah, see. i don't even spoon these days, because spooning leads to forking, and i'm just not looking for validation. on the other hand, pilates girl is back in the picture. yeah. like i'm gonna let her see my oatmeal.

See in my experience, that's the problem in sleeping with women. They want to touch and feel and see everything. Men never want to kiss and admire my armpit. Nothing goes unnoticed with women, BUT that can be a good thing. It makes you feel like they are paying attention not just viewing you as a chasm. Whereas with a man, most of them would never even have to see your oatmeal. They're willing to hop on with minimum exposure.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2006, 3:53 pm
by alpha femme
lol, exactly, biki. women are very into the experience. men are more... uh, goal oriented. with that in mind, i have a hetero-date tonight. :lol: of course, there will be no uncovering of my oatmeal, but it should be fun. it's been at least 7 years since i entertained one of those, but he's a construction worker with a BFA.... so, when he describes himself as an artist, it really isn't a euphamism for unemployed. he of course, knows about my preference, but (like most men) thinks he's up for the challenge. hopefully the waitress won't be hot, or he'll be out of luck before the drinks arrive.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2006, 4:05 pm
by alpha femme
oh, yeah. TOM 2

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2006, 5:08 pm
by bikipatra
Just have fun and let us know how it goes! As an artist, is he going to show you his etchings?


PostPosted: December 26th, 2006, 1:13 pm
by dede4wd
Just catching it up and wiping the tears out of my eyes from the spooning and forking comments!


PostPosted: December 26th, 2006, 1:54 pm
by alpha femme
ok, poor construction/atist guy has pretty much proven that i'm a big homo. he's great. really. he's attractive, makes a good living, is extremely comfortable with himself, dotes on me (perhaps too much), is emotionally available, has a great sense of humor... the list goes on. it even includes him insisting that i'm nowhere near as fat as i think i am. (this came up because i have to exchange the xl sweaters i just bought for large ones).
when i'm next to him, i look absolutely petite. the guy's forearms are as big as my thighs. but...
there's nothing there.
i feel bad, but i'm also wondering if it's just because he's pursuing so hard. i mean, he asked me out again 7 hours after the first date ended, and then when i blew him off for saturday night, he pushed for sunday.
sunday night, my phone kept going off with messages from girls, and he teased me about it, but he wasn't particularly bothered. (yes, i had the ringer off, but the texting beeps once regardless.)
after sunday night, he wanted to get together last night. i dunno. i'm a slow dater. i just kinda like my space.
on the other hand, our waitress was hot.
and the red ball texted me merry christmas.
these things get so complicated.