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PostPosted: June 29th, 2007, 5:13 pm
by nickieluv
I'm so sorry Chynna. Things will work out as God wants them to, and I do hope He wants this therapy to work for Errin. You and she will be in my thoughts. Try to enjoy your cruise (as a mother I know it will be next to impossible) but think of it as a respite from this stress, so that you can return to Errin rejuvenated and energized to give her what she needs.

PostPosted: June 29th, 2007, 5:50 pm
by queenielou
Hi Chynna,

You sound so strong right now even though you have said how incredibly difficult this is for you and Errin. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and lifted in prayer. I don't know anything about those treatment options but I do know that we serve a mighty God and He is able to sustain you, Errin and your entire family through this time. Continue to lean on Him, as I know you already are. His will is perfect and so is His love. I pray that you will continue to be strong and that you and your family will be encouraged and blessed and that the treatment will be a success.

Love you, sweetheart!

I know your cruise won't take your mind of off things, but at least the distance will give you space to think about things in a different way. Take care :)

PostPosted: June 29th, 2007, 6:59 pm
by Sojourner
Oh, Chynna ~ I'm so sorry about Errin. I hope you take Nickie's words to heart, about taking the cruise time to rejuvenate and energize yourself.

I also wanted to thank you for the lovely poem that you posted in my journal. More than that, I'd like to thank you for the sentiment behind it...that was really awesome. You should re-read the poem for yourself right now, and I hope that it brings you some comfort.

I also hope that you can feel the big ol' bear hug I'm sending your way.

(((((((((((((((( :hug: ))))))))))))))))

PostPosted: June 29th, 2007, 8:56 pm
by Lizabette
There are times when our burden is too heavy to carry and we can only lay it into the all caring Hands of God.
He asks us to do that..
There is little that any of us can do except hold you, Lucian, and Errin up in our prayers.
That, we can and will do. :heart:
Love you the most!

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 10:45 am
by SuzyQ66
Hey Chynna - just checking in...

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 11:52 am
by HappyHomeMaker
Oh Chynna, :hug:
My heart is breaking for you. As a mom I have tears in my eyes. Your Erin will be in my prayers. Please lay all your burdens at the feet of God. Only HE can handle ALL of this, even your anger. He Loves you and will be there for you.

Please keep us posted!!

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 4:20 pm
by Lizabette
How you doin', kiddo? :heart:

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 9:15 pm
by MerryMary
Hi, Chynna. I'm just now catching up on some journals and felt so bad to hear about Errin's condition. I can appreciate you feeling distraught--You are such a good Mom and it's obvious how much you love Errin. It's times like these that I wish there was a magic wand that we can wave and make things better... Or get some answers to the questions that race through our heads ... Sounds like this is one of those times (and unfortunately life is full of them) that we put our trust in the Lord to carry us through. But you know that. I will continue to keep you and Errin in my prayers and ask that God's unfailing grace provide you courage and strength and supply the doctors with the wisdom and skill to see this through. God bless you, Chynna. My heart aches for you.

PostPosted: July 6th, 2007, 8:05 pm
by Mike
You remain in our prayers Chynna. Keep us updated.

PostPosted: July 12th, 2007, 11:46 am
by Mike
Just checking back in. We miss ya. Hope things are improving. Remember, all things in His time. Hang in there sister. :D

PostPosted: July 17th, 2007, 1:54 pm
by Lizabette
I am gonna have a 'hissy fit' if I don't see a post from you, real soon! :nana:

PostPosted: July 19th, 2007, 9:15 am
by ChynnaDoll
Lizabette wrote:CHI,
I am gonna have a 'hissy fit' if I don't see a post from you, real soon! :nana:

O'ooooooohhhhh my sweetpeaaaa, you really did miss me didn't you...and believe me, you were never far away from my mind either..and dear Mike and Suzy, thank you so much for also checkin' on me, and for all who've sent "encouraging" words and heartfelt concern my way, i'm most grateful.

I've been reluctantly getting ready to ship out'a here next Saturday. I was sorta hoping my passport didn't arrive so i couldn't go but it DID...oh well. I was able to spend a little time with Errin...nothing new there...she may be going to the Mayo Clinic in Boston for continued treatment.

I did manage to go to the mall and pick up a few essential things. Has anyone heard of "Ugg" australia, and "Merrell" Performance Footwear?..i got a pair of Ugg "Tasmina" flip flops and a pair of Merrell "Palmetto" walking shoes...BOY those are the most comfortable shoes i've ever warn...i usually have a very hard time finding comfortable shoes..they were very costly but well worth it, and i might add very stylish too.

I'm still maintaining very nicely..i'm right at my goal weight now (155). We'll see how well i do on the ship.

Well i guess this is it for now.


PostPosted: July 19th, 2007, 9:27 am
by Sojourner

So good to hear from you, I was really beginning to worry!
I'm glad you came back before Doña Silver Fox threw her hissy fit......someone could've gotten hurt!!
Well, as much as you don't want to go on this cruise, you'll just have to make the best of the situation, eh?
I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing trip, you certainly deserve it!

Shopping must've been fun! I have a couple of pairs of the Ugg boots, but not the flip-flops.
The boots are WAY comfy, I wear them pretty constantly throughout the cool/cold weather.

Sending positive thoughts your way for a great time!

(((((((((((((((( :hug: ))))))))))))))))

PostPosted: July 19th, 2007, 9:32 am
by DonnaS
It's so good to hear back from you Chynna. I thought you may have already left for your cruise. I do hope you have a relaxing and fun time and like Sojo says.......just make the best of the situation because you do deserve to relax.

PostPosted: July 19th, 2007, 4:30 pm
by Lizabette
ERRIN will be in good hands while you are gone, and she will want you to have a wonderful time and not to worry!
And you'll be just a phone call away!
Ooooh, your new shoes sounds so comfy and so necessary for all your sight seeing.
I know you will be taking some pictures to share with us when you return.
Bon Voyage, my dear CHI. Our love and prayers go with you and Lucian. :heart: