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PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 3:25 am
by bikipatra
Feel better soon and don't push yourself on the exercise if you aren't feeling well. Have fun scrapbooking!

PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 6:42 am
by Mickeyz
DonnaS wrote:I look absolutely horrible since the surgery I had Wednesday was on my face so I guess I'll be inside for the next month scrapbooking (nothing wrong with that) and letting all the bruising heal. At least I feel like I'm on the downward slope of the busy summer and can concentrate on other things.

Morning Donna, Hope you are feeling good today and those bruises are showing some signs of fading. Scrapbooking sounds fun. That is one hobby I have not taken up (yet). But since my hubby got me a wonderful new digital camera for my birthday, I guess this could be the time to take up scrapbooking! My SIL has done it for years and does some amazing things.

PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 7:15 am
by holberry
morning Donna :D
Hope those bruises fade quick!
I did some scapbookiing last winter, it was fun. You sure can spend some dough on all the cute, gotta have it materials tho. At least that was my experience.
Here's to a great week for you,

PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 8:24 am
by Lasi
Hey Sweetie,

Hope you heal quickly, Thanks for posting to my journal.

Enjoy some quiet time.

PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 9:07 am
by DonnaS
Never thought I would be glad for a Monday morning to be here. The weekend was busy with family and friends spending the night. I really enjoy everyone but I guess I'm a little tired and not quite up to par since surgery.

I was thinking about my Colorado vacation and how I handled Medifast while on vacation. I cheated for the first time on two fronts: chips and salsa and bloody mary's, oh....and some chicken lo mein. The only thing different this time was that I didn't have this doomed feeling afterwards. In the past I would have just thrown up my hands and given up but this diet seems to have changed me on the inside for the better. Of course, as soon as I came home that next Sunday I was right back on program. This is a major milestone for me and I'm so thankful.

Looking back at the Colorado pictures was a little dissapointing for me; although, I'm hearing comments about how much weight I have lost but to me I still look so fat. Maybe when I reach that magical 199 I'll see myself differently since I can't remember the last time I was under 200 lbs. I just hope the medication that I'm on will not hinder my weight loss; if it does I will get past that too (thinking of Biki here).

I hate that I'm not going to be able to go with my daughter this year to get her settled in her dorm. I like being there and taking pictures but I don't look too cool right now with two black eyes and a bummed nose so I will be staying home. She is going to rush this year for a sorority like her older sister did. I think it was great for my oldest daughter as she has life-long friends from the experience that live in the Dallas area with her.

Hard to believe the summer is nearly over and everyone will be back to school. Overall it has been a great summer for me and discovering Medifast has made it even better. I'm looking forward to the rest of this wonderful journey and next summer when I'll be one hot mama! He he.

PostPosted: August 20th, 2007, 12:31 pm
by ChynnaDoll
Oh Donna you've brought back some memories for me when i use to take
my daughter to help her get settled in her dorm...especially her Freshmen year...oh she was sooooo excited and could hardly wait for me to leave..LOL! Here i am crying and she's off with her roomate to go do something else, but I still miss those days anyway:+) the way, i cried alllll the way!

I do hope you will are recovering well and that your bruising will totally subside.


PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 5:49 am
by DonnaS
End of week 11, lost 2.5 lbs.

I'm so close to being under 200 lbs. I can't believe it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 6:00 am
by katieb920
DonnaS wrote:End of week 11, lost 2.5 lbs.

I'm so close to being under 200 lbs. I can't believe it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Wow donna you are doing fablous. Keep up the great work.

PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 7:36 am
by holberry
Morning Donna,
100's here you come, you go ;)
It will be a delicious day when it arrives,

PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 4:03 pm
by Hopebaby
DonnaS wrote:End of week 11, lost 2.5 lbs.

I'm so close to being under 200 lbs. I can't believe it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Congratulations! You are doing terriffic!


PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 7:43 pm
by Lasi
WOW you are doing great!!

PostPosted: August 21st, 2007, 11:27 pm
by Diana
Hey, Donna!!

I've got your seat right here in ONEderland! A nice periwinkle jacquard with cream colored piping and fringe.

Go get 'em, girl!!

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2007, 3:40 am
by katesmom
Hi Donna !
You "go " girl ! I can't wait to be there someday ! You inspire us "nembies" !!

Have a great day !

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2007, 5:09 am
by DonnaS
Thanks so much ladies for the encouragement and support. I cannot wait to be in onderland and hopefully it will be within the next two weeks.

I have a dr. appt. today and I don't want to even get out of the house. The bruises look bad but I guess I can wear sunglasses. I have felt pretty blah the past two days, not wanting to do much of anything. I haven't even scrapbooked anything yet. Need to get out of this funky mood.

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2007, 5:55 am
by bikipatra
I hope your day gets better. I know what it feels like to not even want to leave the house. Hope the funky mood goes away!