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PostPosted: July 21st, 2007, 9:38 am
by holberry
You like blues?? me too!
How was the evening? I bet you looked hot and had a great time. Did your pants stay up????
Have you heard Curtis Salgado? He's a Portlander.

PostPosted: July 23rd, 2007, 7:20 am
by Mickeyz
Hi Donna,

Just stopping by to check in. :D How was your weekend? Sounded like you had a lot of really fun things planned.

PostPosted: July 23rd, 2007, 9:01 am
by ChynnaDoll
Hi Donna! How was the concert? Sounds like lots of FUN!! I know Pat Benatar was fabulous..always loved her:+) Have you ever heard BB King?..boy he's awesome too!

Ok, i know you'll be in to enlighten us on!
Have a wonderful day!


PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 6:00 am
by DonnaS
End of week 7, lost 1 lb.

It's so cool outside this morning, what's up with that? I believe I'll go to the track after I have my coffee and see how far I can walk.

The weekend was busy and I guess I did okay. Pat Benatar was really good and she still looked good too. I had a blackened chicken breast Sunday instead of a plain one and probably more salad than I should have. Don't know for sure if that makes a difference or not but I guess it does since I only lost one lb. last week; that's okay at least it's a loss and not a gain. It was another hard weekend.

My Self magazine came in and I noticed they have a web site. I have checked it out and there are a lot of different tools on there that might be useful for those exercising. One of the tools include a table that you can put your weight in, the exercise routine, number of minutes exercised and it will calculate the calories burned.

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 7:54 am
by DonnaS
Went to the track and walked 1/2 mile. Would have walked longer but they were starting a football camp. I'll try earlier tomorrow.

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 8:26 am
by Tawanda
DonnaS wrote:Went to the track and walked 1/2 mile. Would have walked longer but they were starting a football camp. I'll try earlier tomorrow.

Good for you!!

Exercise, past the housework and taking care of the babies, is still just something I think about on occasion. I figure on the days that the babies are here, I'm lifting them throughout the day (they are about 20-22# each), bending, crawling, etc. so that is my exercise :D

Well, they are here!

PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 10:01 am
by DonnaS
My sister just called and wants to start walking again next week so now maybe I will get on a normal routine. Funny that she called right after I decided to start walking today. I'm not a very disciplined person so I do better when I'm walking with someone else.

PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 6:18 am
by DonnaS
I had oatmeal, soup, 2 bars and a shake yesterday, along with my L&G, plus 88 oz. of water. My normal routine was off since I left my little blender in my husbands truck and he took it to work with him yesterday so I didn't get my normal 3 shakes, and I must say that I really missed that blender.

Gotta go to the dr. today and my daughter has an appt. right after mine. I made her and my son appts. at the dermatologist to start a yearly skin check routine. I read yesterday (the Self web site I wrote of in my earlier post) about the "dark side of the sun" and it just reaffirmed my decision to make them go to the dr. Of course I talk to them constantly about skin cancer but I believe it goes in one ear and out the other. It is a very good article and if anyone wants to read it you can go to the web site and look in the living well articles for 2007.

Hope everyone has a good day today.

PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 12:13 pm
by Mickeyz
Good for you for starting your walking again! I'll be cheering you on. After 3 months of walking I have graduated to the couch to 5K program, it is a little harder than I expected. :?

We have a family member that is going through a very tuff time with skin cancer right now. It is nothing to take lightly. Keep talking to your kids, even when it goes in one ear and out the other a little gets stuck on the breeze through! :lol:

Hey I love that web site.

PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 8:47 am
by DonnaS
I'm stocking up the RV today to go camping over the weekend. Went to the dr. yesterday and I'm sore today. I'm having surgery in August and this appt. was to help prepare for it. Took my daughter out to eat afterwards and I had steamed veggies and a chicken breast. I ended up having 5 meals yesterday instead of 6 but I just couldn't stay up late enough to get the other in.

Dr. appt. with daughter went well, she has no major skin problems and told me that she wasted 3 hrs. of her life going to the dermatologist yesterday. I'm glad there was nothing suspicious on her but the dr. took notes and has something to look back on each year. It's my other two kids that have the moles scattered across their bodies.

Gotta go get busy.

PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 9:17 am
by holberry
Hi Donna!
Camping sounds like fun. We have not done that in a long time.
so are you taking rtds along?
You are such a good mom to be proactive on the skin checks.

May I ask what kind of surgery?
Hope it is nothing too serious.

Have a super weekend sweetie!

PostPosted: July 27th, 2007, 7:54 am
by DonnaS
holberry wrote:Hi Donna!
Camping sounds like fun. We have not done that in a long time.
so are you taking rtds along?
You are such a good mom to be proactive on the skin checks.

May I ask what kind of surgery?
Hope it is nothing too serious.

Have a super weekend sweetie!

I definitely will be taking my medifast with me but I have not bought any of the RTDs. I have my little mini blender that I take with me on trips for my shakes.

The surgery is a second part to one done last year (which was the major surgery). Without going into too much detail, the surgery is finishing up a rhinoplasty (nose) and taking out a little more skin under my eyes (due to bags because of thyroid issues). Nothing compared to last summer, that one was 9 hrs. long.

Next week my sister and I will begin walking together again at the track; I'm looking forward to having someone to walk with.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

PostPosted: July 27th, 2007, 8:00 am
by queenielou
Hope you have a great time camping, Donna!

PostPosted: July 30th, 2007, 7:35 am
by Mickeyz
So how was your camping trip?

PostPosted: July 30th, 2007, 7:51 am
by DonnaS
We had a fun time camping over the weekend and thanks for asking ladies. It was very different just being my sisters, their spouses, my mom and dad. Dinosaur Valley State Park has some real dino prints along the edge of the river and we actually could see them. Very interesting and it was fun exploring. My mom just enjoyed having her three girls with her for the whole weekend.

I was up until 2:30 this morning and thought about logging on to journal but I was upset and tired so I didn't. Got into a big spat with my son last night so I typed him a long letter; now I'm trying to decide if I should give it to him or not. It felt good letting my frustration out on paper. I've done very wrong by him, in not being more strict about how he speaks to me but it's hard when the husband wants to be the "good guy" and let mom do it all. :x

I guess I am going to make me a shake and come back to catch up on all the journals.