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PostPosted: May 22nd, 2006, 8:42 am
by MusicalMomma
YAY Lisa!!!!! You made it!!!!!!!!!! I hope to join you there one day :) Enjoy your success! You worked hard for it! :)

PostPosted: May 22nd, 2006, 10:15 am
by Ct. Yankee


PostPosted: May 22nd, 2006, 10:47 am
by Lauren
OMG, Lisa, that is so freakin' amazing! I can't imagine how thrilled you must be, but as so many others here have said, you totally deserve all the good things that have come your way.

While I don't think any of us should be too consumed with the actual numbers on the scale, I completely understand the significance of being in Onederland - and I look forward to seeing that someday soon as well!

Congrats on a continued wonderful job, and for staying the course physically and emotionally.

You rock!


PostPosted: May 23rd, 2006, 4:56 pm
by lifelovinaries
I know I'm late Lisa but CONGRATS!! Onderland must feel Wonderful!