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PostPosted: April 8th, 2006, 4:57 pm
by dede4wd
Thanks Jo!

Your post was awesome! I Loved it! Next time I get neurotic and obnoxious, I'm going to definitely speak only spanish, jump over sidewalk cracks and stand on my head. Anything to get my mind of the inevitable plateau! I will not let this get me down again! Thanks so much! I'm doing much much better now! I'm just so happy I have you guys!

I will stick to the plan, no cheating, no snacking, no bitching, no complaining and I WILL be at my goal weight. If it takes an extra week, so what! It didn't take a week or two to get this fat! I'm doing well now and know I learned something about this!

Thanks everyone!

P.S. MissAnne, I LOVE THAT POEM! It is a favorite and I yank it out any time I'm feeling sorry for myself!