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Re: 6 months down and......

PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 7:44 am
by Lizabette
Serendipity wrote:I hit the wonderful land of onederland! What a nice little present to myself for my 6 month birthday on the life changing, life saving, miracle of Medifast!

ARE YOU KIDDING! Medifast has rocked our lives in so many ways that is hard for us to comprehend. To think some little packets of food could do this for us!

Six month is such a short time in our life span, but look at what you have accomplished. And you are still heading for greater things. :yeah:

SERENDIPITY, not only does Medifast rock, so do you! :yourock:

:heart: :heart:


PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 8:42 am
by MusicalMomma
Jo! You are SUCH an inspiration!!!!! You should be VERY proud of yourself! I know we're all proud of you!!!!

Ps...I accidentially hit "no" on the poll :oops: meant to hit yes, but by the time I realized it, it was too late :( SO, that "1" no vote is NOT a no....its a YES YES YES!!!!!

PostPosted: April 18th, 2006, 9:02 am
by supermom
Weigh to go Jo!! You have done such a good job shakin those pounds off. I only hope I can be so successful!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: