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PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 5:15 am
by Arklahoma

You've got what it takes to dodge the negative feelings :tomato: and we're all her with you.

Fantastic poem, by the way.


PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 5:29 am
by RoleModel_Mom
Hey DeDe,

I am sure with all the motivation you got so far, you must be out of the sadness now.

But just my 2 cents....I read in Medifast website (FAQ section), that if the body hits plateau, it's because it is trying hard to store the fat (body's natural urge in women...), it stays that way for few days when finally it needs to give in and burn the fat.

The other way to check your progress is to measure the inches lost. If you have a tape handy, see if you have lost some inches instead!

Right now there is a fight going on between your body and yourself (body wants to store want to let go)....I hope you stand your ground long enough so the body will give in and burn that darn fat!

Good Luck my friend!

PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 5:50 am
by falisamarie
Man the pity party is over and I missed the whole thing! DeDe honey you are one of my heros and I know that the scale is going to please you very soon.

Remember that you are in Fl and so am I so don't make me come kick your hiney!

Oh BTW I need to send you a PM and I am gonna include my number and you can call me anytime if you want to talk


PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 6:06 am
by Shana
You've lost 27lbs in a little over a month - you've done GREAT so far & are going to do great again as soon as your body wakes up from it's little "nap" :) You're a huge inspiration & motivation - thank you!

PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 6:27 am
by loriannk
Your doing great!! We started on the same day and you have 7 more pound loss then I do. The scale will start to move again soon. Try and weigh yourself once a week. I know for me that is hard as I am an everyday weigher.

Anyway I just wanted to wish you luck and tell you that I think you are doing great!


PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 10:36 am
by Lauren
Dede, I am sorry to join the masses so late in the game here! I have been swamped at work, keep opening the forum, and then not getting a chance to post.

Anyway, just keep checking in with yourself and taking note of how proud you are of yourself. Really. While I've never been a "daily affirmation" kind of person (can't say I've ever looked in a mirror and said "gosh darnit, people like me!" - SNL reference, in case you're all wondering), but take time every day, every hour if that helps, and tell yourself what a massive achievement this is, how strong you are, how much you deserve this, and what a tremendous role you've played in others' lives here on the forum.

Also, and this is fairly intimate - make sure you spend time watching your body change. Take note of things getting smaller, arms looking better, stomach getting flatter, whatever it is, take constant mental notes of it. Every single day I make a point to look at myself in the mirror and check out how I've changed. It is a constant reminder of the "real-time" success from this diet.

Dede, stay strong and stay happy and stay motivated and stay true to the program - you've got all the tools, so keep on keepin' on!


PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 2:11 pm
by Pashta
DeDe, what everyone else said on here is all true!

You have lost a whole lot of weight in a short period of time, take a step back and realize that! This too shall pass! Do not give in, do not give up! You have come so far and will continue to lose.

Glad to hear you gave up your scale till Sunday, that should help. :) So change things up in your diet a little and if you are exercising or are stressed change that too! You could also try *adding* a shake to your daily plan, I have heard of plateaus ending with that.

Hugs girl!!

:bighug: :you:

PostPosted: April 6th, 2006, 9:02 pm
by dede4wd
Thanks everyone! My pity party is over. I'm mixing things up to shake my body out of this and I'm going to try an extra shake tomorrow because of my height and physical activity (as Jan and Tonia said). I will not know (or care) if it is working until Sunday. I'm all good. I KNOW I'm doing the right thing, and I KNOW it works. I'm also stubborn, never lose staring contests and can DEFINITELY beat my body at this game. I can DEFINITELY hold out longer.

And I've never seen a wild thing sorry for itself and I'm not either! I have made amazing progress and will continue to do so as soon as my body catches up!

How could I lose? I've got you guys!

Love you! Mean it!


PostPosted: April 7th, 2006, 1:37 am
by sheila
Hey Dede! Hope you are feeling better now :heart: . I know what you are going through, cuz Im right there with ya, I was so thrilled to see those #'s on the scale going in the right direction(or...should I say "left" for so long, and then all of a sudden it was like my weight loss slammed on the brakes :boohoo: . Nothing in a week! But in a way I guess that can be good news? I mean, even though I havent lost anything, I havent gained either, so thats something I guess. Good for you for giving your co-worker the scale for a bit. I had my hubby hide mine there for a while. Just hang in there :rose: , and don't go to steak n shake unless its for your L&G! :lol:

PostPosted: April 7th, 2006, 7:03 am
by Lizabette

I must have been asleep when you posted so guess I am on the tail end of things. Again. :oops:

I couldn't NOT post to tell you how much we all love you :heart: :heart: and need you. And to let you know that your success is our success!

Besides I'm waiting for your post to congratulate me on my joining the 30# Club. And believe me, girl friend, if this granny can do it, SO CAN YOU! :you:

We are all counting on you, :yes:


PostPosted: April 7th, 2006, 10:00 am
by gr8bnme

You can do it... it happened to me and so i decided that i'd only weigh once a month and that way i would always see a loss. that's how i dealt with it. You will do it! Way to go!! and try not to focus on the scale cause it can really discourage you at times.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2006, 10:52 am
by Linda
Dede, wouldn't you know it, I miss a day or so and here I am....too late, but just wanted to let you know you did great! Giving your scales to the coworker was just the right thing and so smart of you. Wish I had your strength to stay away from the scales the last two weeks, but made it over the stall anyway.

Best wishes

PostPosted: April 7th, 2006, 11:34 pm
Don't know how I missed this post, but I'm late! (as usual)

:coach: DeDe, you of all people gotta keep the faith and stick to it! You are one of my biggest inspirations and I can't even fathem you getting down!

I have faith in you! :hug:

we are alot alike, 1 of my first posts contains the same poem. LOVE IT!
I have it written down at my office also.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2006, 11:11 am
by Serendipity
I know I'm too late to make a difference for you, but as usual, I just need to add my 2 cents.

I have been through several plateaus in the last 5 1/2 months. Each time I started to question the program. But I've learned a big lesson by weighing myself every day and sticking to the program (for me that's no cheats and no snacks). I learned that plateaus are just part of it. They will happen. That is a fact. They are not fun, but they happen.

Reading all the posts above reminded me of a Beverly Hill Billys episode, lol. On this particular episode, Granny said she could cure the common cold. Of course that would be really something and for the whole show, everyone thought they would get rich with granny's cure. Well, here's the cure: Eat some of granny's chicken soup and in 12-14 days your cold will be gone. Do you see the point?

You can shake up your program all you want, skip the bars (not an option for me), have only shakes, drink more water, stand on your head, speak spanish, eat only on odd hours, not step on sidewalk cracks, whatever. If you stick to the plan, you will again lose weight. Guaranteed. IMHO, I think that shaking things up does help in that you feel like you are doing something to force a change. You are being proactive....I'm just not sure it really helps.

I hope that by the time you read this, your stall is over.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2006, 12:09 pm
by Pashta
Great post, Jo!!!
