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PostPosted: March 27th, 2006, 8:35 pm
by Allison Onederland
That's great Lisa! And like everyone else already said...don't be embarassed!! In fact, you can add me to the "HTH" (heavier than hubby) Club! He and I both went on Atkins a few years ago. When we went out and bought a scale I was shocked to learn I weighed more than he did!! And to top it off, he lost more weight and a lot faster than I did. :? But now....thanks to Medifast :D I also weigh less than hubby. He has gained and won't get on the scale but his last known weight was 220 (not bad for a 6"1' guy) so I am now at least 25 pounds lighter than him. Yeeeehaaa!! :yay:

Like Lizabette, I would never say anything to my hubby...he has always loved me no matter what size I was. I'll just be happy when I can go out in public with him and not worry that people are thinking "what is that good lookin guy doing with that :point: fat girl?" :oops:

Keep up the good work Lisa! At the amazing rate you are going, you'll be in onederland in no time!!! :thumbup:

PostPosted: March 27th, 2006, 11:19 pm
by 2getskinny
That is WONDERFUL for you!!!!! You met your First Goal! :trophy: :clapclap: :woohoo:

You will be in Onederland in NO TIME! Keep up the GREAT work!

PostPosted: March 28th, 2006, 7:10 pm
by Joelie

What a milestone! WTG! :bravo: